Message from @sleepysclmsft

Discord ID: 672008280532320286

2020-01-29 09:18:22 UTC  

And before atleast dad used to care

2020-01-29 09:18:37 UTC  

But he doesn't live with us because he still works in KSA

2020-01-29 09:18:41 UTC  

Not having power overr her own life so wanting to take control of someone else. Sounds like it at least

2020-01-29 09:18:43 UTC  

I'm sorry to hear that

2020-01-29 09:18:54 UTC  

Plan was mom should have been staying back and I should have been living with dad's mom

2020-01-29 09:19:22 UTC  

Leave get stacked, get a hunky BF. get rich smash out some babies. GO back to them and say "hey noobs"

2020-01-29 09:19:33 UTC  


2020-01-29 09:19:36 UTC  

But dad's mom was a bitch too, she noped out after a week, cause she missed her "better family"

2020-01-29 09:19:46 UTC  

Lol I wouldn't even go to them

2020-01-29 09:19:54 UTC  

Well come over here and I'll get you some dinner

2020-01-29 09:19:59 UTC  

Once I step out, I'm never coming back to these cunts

2020-01-29 09:20:08 UTC  

Some people just don't deserve to be your family

2020-01-29 09:20:15 UTC  


2020-01-29 09:20:20 UTC  

Got to cut them out of your live if you need ro

2020-01-29 09:20:26 UTC  


2020-01-29 09:20:31 UTC  

more like, you cant pick your family but you can pick your friends

2020-01-29 09:20:38 UTC  

Just 2 more years if this problem resolves

2020-01-29 09:20:42 UTC  

And as soon as possible

2020-01-29 09:20:51 UTC  

You can pick your friends AND your family

2020-01-29 09:20:53 UTC  

Hang in there sleepy

2020-01-29 09:20:59 UTC  

Blood is thicker than water

2020-01-29 09:21:03 UTC  

But milk is too

2020-01-29 09:21:13 UTC  

yeah you got this
you have a good personality and spirit

2020-01-29 09:21:16 UTC  

And no one cares what's inside the body anyway

2020-01-29 09:21:21 UTC  

Yeet I got this

2020-01-29 09:21:45 UTC  

And if you gotta rant there's always the internet, right? ;)

2020-01-29 09:21:46 UTC  

Also, they weren't such cunts when I was an only child, cause they didn't have a backup plan

2020-01-29 09:21:56 UTC  

Ooh you betcha @least1504

2020-01-29 09:22:12 UTC  

Now they got 2 cute kids, and I'm a failure

2020-01-29 09:22:21 UTC  

So they got their priorities straight

2020-01-29 09:22:23 UTC  

Your parents are the failure

2020-01-29 09:22:26 UTC  

I know that feeling

2020-01-29 09:22:28 UTC  

You bet I got mine straight too

2020-01-29 09:22:58 UTC  

And you're gonna show them how wrong the are

2020-01-29 09:23:03 UTC  

Fuck yes

2020-01-29 09:23:06 UTC  

I already do

2020-01-29 09:23:10 UTC  


2020-01-29 09:23:16 UTC  

yup take the high road and show them what's up

2020-01-29 09:23:24 UTC  

The high road to hell

2020-01-29 09:23:25 UTC  

Because you're way better than them

2020-01-29 09:23:32 UTC  

aadawdsaadawdasdawdadawdWAD WDwadWADASdAW just testing my keybaord