Message from @Shattered

Discord ID: 684576037564186634

2020-03-04 01:37:46 UTC  

i just say: no tiddy skittles for children, do not give an inch to islam, freedom of speech gud

2020-03-04 01:38:06 UTC  

also no legit socialism (socdem/soclib is fine)

2020-03-04 01:38:49 UTC  

im a left leaning centrist who despises the far left

2020-03-04 01:38:55 UTC  

aka nazi

2020-03-04 01:39:00 UTC  

germans maaaaaaad

2020-03-04 01:39:00 UTC  

I saw a recording of a Socialist Democratic convention in America, and it was bad. I want nothing to do with that ineptitude.

2020-03-04 01:39:18 UTC  

the one where they talked about pronouns and one asked the others not to clap?

2020-03-04 01:39:23 UTC  


2020-03-04 01:39:38 UTC  

cultural AIDS

2020-03-04 01:39:48 UTC  

Yeah, but the worst part was that whenever *anybody tried to say anything*, they had to precede it with saying "point of personal privilege."

2020-03-04 01:40:04 UTC  


2020-03-04 01:40:04 UTC  

its a cult

2020-03-04 01:40:11 UTC  


2020-03-04 01:40:18 UTC  

IT IS!!!

2020-03-04 01:40:19 UTC  

western nations need to be like brazil

2020-03-04 01:40:20 UTC  

I want you to imagine a trainwreck. Now, imagine a black hole appearing above the derailed train and sucking everything into it. That was what I witnessed.

2020-03-04 01:40:28 UTC  

just fire the marxist professors and teachers

2020-03-04 01:40:34 UTC  

they love deplatforming so much

2020-03-04 01:40:37 UTC  

what if it happens to them?

2020-03-04 01:40:45 UTC  

A lot of teachers have tenure, which makes things difficult.

2020-03-04 01:40:46 UTC  

what if we take away their institutional power?

2020-03-04 01:41:03 UTC  

no more systemic instituions 👀

2020-03-04 01:41:15 UTC  

Didn't you get the memo? We have literally every last shred of the institutional power, despite the fact that we actually have no power here.

2020-03-04 01:41:15 UTC  

no more privileged white males preaching communism

2020-03-04 01:41:40 UTC  

one just needs to take a hammer and smash things

2020-03-04 01:41:46 UTC  

sadly trump isnt doing that

2020-03-04 01:41:54 UTC  

and in germany we have gov endorsing antifa

2020-03-04 01:42:21 UTC  

the cult is so very fragile, all of its members

2020-03-04 01:42:49 UTC

2020-03-04 01:42:51 UTC  

It appears the government is endorsing antifa in almost every western and European country. I view a lack of action to be bad in and of itself, and it shows support for these groups.

2020-03-04 01:43:04 UTC

2020-03-04 01:43:19 UTC  

mmmmmm tasty

2020-03-04 01:43:26 UTC  

Speaking of which, I need to make something to eat.

2020-03-04 01:45:06 UTC

2020-03-04 01:45:34 UTC

2020-03-04 01:45:44 UTC  

Dude, why aren't u married yet- you domesticated AF Blaundee

2020-03-04 01:45:58 UTC  

omg my mouth is watering

2020-03-04 01:46:32 UTC  

i dont even know what that is, but looks good

2020-03-04 01:46:41 UTC  


2020-03-04 01:46:44 UTC