Message from @hellcat

Discord ID: 663807629335724082

2020-01-06 17:58:32 UTC  

ok i will listen to it here get back to you after

2020-01-06 17:59:21 UTC  


2020-01-06 18:00:10 UTC  

`says video unabaibable

2020-01-06 18:00:40 UTC  

wait i try and copy it and see if i can get it

2020-01-06 18:01:28 UTC  

Video unavailable
This video is not available.@Gailm

2020-01-06 18:02:11 UTC  

cant get it that is all right gailm

2020-01-06 18:02:38 UTC  

That's weird. I just tried it and it's working for me.

2020-01-06 18:03:00 UTC  

Try searching YouTube for Ricky Gervais' Monologue - 2020 Golden Globes

2020-01-06 18:03:03 UTC  

not on here pm it and i will see if i get it there

2020-01-06 18:03:13 UTC  


2020-01-06 18:05:09 UTC  

that one cant get it either

2020-01-06 18:05:30 UTC  


2020-01-06 18:05:35 UTC  

I can pull up all of them.

2020-01-06 18:07:42 UTC  

same with that one

2020-01-06 18:08:13 UTC  

maby becaues i am in canada they wone let me watch it

2020-01-06 18:12:10 UTC  

@Gailm try putting your youtube address in and see if you get it in search on youtube

2020-01-06 18:13:12 UTC  

it might just be me in canada is why it is not coming

2020-01-06 18:13:25 UTC  

it comes up for me

2020-01-06 18:14:31 UTC  

i copied you youtube addie and pasted it and got unavaible

2020-01-06 18:14:55 UTC  

must be canada

2020-01-06 18:51:09 UTC  

Works for me! 😄

2020-01-06 18:59:53 UTC  


2020-01-06 21:13:50 UTC  

maybe get a vpn?
there are many videos youtube blocks in some countries.
a vpn will bypass that.

2020-01-06 21:14:14 UTC  

kaspersky offers a vpn that will give you enough data for free to watch a few vids per day

2020-01-06 21:34:07 UTC  

Hadn't thought of that, but that seems logical.

2020-01-07 03:02:34 UTC  

I left my msg in the comment section of that video.

2020-01-07 03:04:16 UTC  

Watch Cicada 3301 video I find it a coincidence how Q and this are related.

2020-01-07 03:32:59 UTC  

Yeah, Radix covered the cicada stuff about a year and a half ago. Fascinating stuff. Similar to Q but different.

2020-01-07 06:19:30 UTC  

Trump went from getting around 25k-70k more twitter followers a day to 200k-350k more twitter followers a day as soon as he killed that iranian general his numbers started going up skyrocketing. Would be nice to see which regions all these followers were coming from 🤔


2020-01-07 07:34:20 UTC  

@Dewey Osborne cicada was a cia recruitment game

2020-01-07 07:34:35 UTC  

qanon is a military inteliigence operation.

2020-01-07 07:34:46 UTC  

the military and the cia have long been at war with each other...

2020-01-07 07:35:25 UTC  

that was what snowden was all about.. a cia agent sent to infiltrate the nsa to weaken the military...

2020-01-07 07:42:07 UTC  

i was more pointing out the simularitys of the two and it seemed interesting to me so I shared it. What either of them are no one except for them knows. All we can do is speculate about it. Either way i do thank you for your responce.

2020-01-07 08:58:27 UTC

2020-01-07 09:00:43 UTC  

cicada was all puzzles and no information, it lead those playing its game down one dark coded hint after another none of which ever revealing any truths.

qanon is quite the opposite, all information, no puzzles besides those created by the enemy, where cicada sought to create puzzles and confuse those playing it, qanon seeks to exposes puzzles solve them and relieve the peoples confusion, cicada opperated in the dark in secret. qanon is in the open in public.

they very much are night and day. dark and light.

2020-01-07 09:00:47 UTC  


2020-01-07 09:02:17 UTC  

but indeed inteligence agencies operations can look similiar in tactic even when they are of opposing forces. ill agree with that.

thats just information warfare for you.

the nazis had tanks just as well as the allies did, doesnt make tanks a tool of just one side or the other, its just tools of war.