Message from @Muddy&Wolf
Discord ID: 648960879362310174
Ready for the rally
Queue 's Business Card Front pdf from source
Queue's Business Card Back pdf from Source
@JDs CreAtions Anon , @lennyeyes , @notanon @Tourmaline dear team: Source has provided pdfs. we did not have before.Our current image is crafted from a screenshot. My only concerns are: resolution at publication using the screenshot piece. And, the large strip at the bottom for Defenders of Children should not show on the feature image, which are on the pdfs.
This Story, "I Am Queue" is about a K-9 dedicated to detecting human smuggling.trafficking.
48 hrs? If you are not available we can go with the low res image that is already in there. Is is not that bad.
@Muddy&Wolf So are you asking to replace the image that @notanon did for you before of this image? I think she cropped your pdf and gave you a jpg, right?
The current image was a screenshot. The Source provided pdfs, placed above. The strip with "Defenders of Children", since it is a 501 (c) 3 that solicits contributions, should be removed. The article preview is somewhat blurry. I appreciate the work notanon did with the screenshot and graphics. If no one is able to improve the featured image as described, I just figured out..... I can crop the pdfs I have. Thank you, lennyeyes.
I am just trying to understand the details to see if I can help. I would need to compare the screenshot quality to the pdf quality and I do not have the screenshot. Until the PDFs are opened in photoshop I cannot tell. They look pretty good, but it may still be good to put a buffer space around them so they display well. I just don't like to assume since I did not do the editing for you the last time, I do not have the frame of reference that you do. Do you want the front, the back or both? Let me know if you would like me to try.