Message from @KLATU

Discord ID: 628365570374631433

2019-09-30 22:49:38 UTC  

disposable commodities

2019-09-30 22:49:41 UTC  

Those that do the dirty work set up those to do the wet work.

2019-09-30 22:50:46 UTC  

@kreskin1 And when they're done with the "wet work", they get WET by someone else ! LOL

2019-09-30 22:50:49 UTC  

Gee they’re really jacking with the PSB stream. Lots of buffering and bouncing the hosts off.

2019-09-30 22:51:10 UTC  

Leave no witnesses.

2019-09-30 22:52:17 UTC  

Anything big happen today? I just got back and haven’t checked anything.

2019-09-30 22:52:37 UTC  

Yeah...that buffering on the show is really annoying. Interestingly...unlike other sites, I have to refresh the page to make the buffering stop. Hmmmmm....

2019-09-30 22:53:15 UTC  

I wonder if anything fishy is going on ??

2019-09-30 22:53:54 UTC  

If I were wearing my tin foil hat right now, I’d say absolutely!

2019-09-30 22:54:01 UTC  


2019-09-30 22:54:18 UTC  

Yeah, I think they’re likely messing with stuff.

2019-09-30 22:54:26 UTC  


2019-09-30 22:55:20 UTC  

I'm on telco guys...not ignoring just distracted

2019-09-30 22:56:06 UTC  

It's cool, @Groot we know that you often research while yakkin' with us. 😉

2019-09-30 22:56:26 UTC  

I do the same quite often !

2019-09-30 22:57:14 UTC  

I’m in and out all the time. Never take it as being ignored.

2019-09-30 22:58:06 UTC  

did you talk about the PRC/cop impersonators today at the shop @kreskin1

2019-09-30 22:59:27 UTC  

No, I didn’t really interface with anyone inside the fence. Busy dealing with everyone else throwing stuff at me.

2019-09-30 22:59:30 UTC  

Sometimes, I scan Drudge while in here, in another browser page. It's amazing how that site has changed from years ago. SO many more anti-Trump articles...used to be more balanced.

2019-09-30 23:00:06 UTC  

I quit looking there some time ago. I noticed the same thing.

2019-09-30 23:00:26 UTC, it's not just me. Thank you !

2019-09-30 23:00:35 UTC  

Then I went to 8 Chan for stuff, then it went away.

2019-09-30 23:00:42 UTC  

yup Drudge has sold out...I stopped following less than a year ago...dramatic tone change.

2019-09-30 23:01:11 UTC  

So now I come here and check the various links and a few twitter feeds I look at.

2019-09-30 23:01:34 UTC  

yuse guys r smart

2019-09-30 23:01:43 UTC  


2019-09-30 23:01:47 UTC  


2019-09-30 23:02:11 UTC  

@kreskin1 Yeah...seems like we'll get much better results, by checking in with the URL LINKS room here for all our news.

2019-09-30 23:02:41 UTC  

I'm not on twitter.....but I do see that is the news today....have to depend on yuse guys 😂

2019-09-30 23:03:25 UTC  

So many still watch that crap on cable tv. Amazing! (In the words of Jesse Lee Peterson).

2019-09-30 23:03:40 UTC  

@Groot Yeah...seems like there's always someone providing tweets in here !

2019-09-30 23:03:53 UTC  

I don’t have a Twitter account, I just review posts.

2019-09-30 23:04:21 UTC  

I'd be off Fox completely too as soon as I'm able to convince my wife to stop watching...she likes 😉 the biz channel for news more now....getting there.

2019-09-30 23:05:03 UTC  

I don’t even look at fox anymore.

2019-09-30 23:05:08 UTC  

Yeah...I don't tweet. I get them from here, and the Q Map page. Often times, I can link to other tweets from using Trumps tweets.

2019-09-30 23:06:22 UTC  

Yeah ..good . I'm not the only person in the world that doesn't plan to get one too.

2019-09-30 23:06:46 UTC  

I had a poker buddy want to know where he could go to find news that was not biased or fake. He didn’t like the answer that he had to quit cable and research for himself. No more free lunch unless you want that swill!

2019-09-30 23:07:21 UTC  

Too much of a culture shock.

2019-09-30 23:07:30 UTC  

@kreskin1 Did you recommend OAN online to him...not too bad as they go...

2019-09-30 23:08:01 UTC  

here in discord is excellent I'm finding

2019-09-30 23:08:14 UTC  

Then he asked a lib about what to tune into. I just shook my head and figured he’ll find out one of these days.