Message from @fanfarm

Discord ID: 655550414690975775

2019-12-13 19:36:45 UTC  

Please PATRIOTS in the 31 Congressional districts above inundate them with phone calls, emails, tweets, etc. to vote AGAINST IMPEACHMENT!

2019-12-13 22:06:02 UTC  

@herePamphlet Anon is taking calls Live On Air. You are welcome to call in using Pre-Screening Voice.

2019-12-13 23:40:44 UTC  
2019-12-13 23:41:01 UTC  

lets not post fake tweets without a **satire** disclaimer, dont want to mislead people into thinking they are real.

2019-12-13 23:41:14 UTC  

all trumps tweets are archived live here <#430240058810040340>

2019-12-14 00:42:56 UTC  

Damn I fell for that fake tweetand shared it to some friends , that sucks man

2019-12-14 00:53:47 UTC  
2019-12-14 00:53:48 UTC  


2019-12-14 02:08:54 UTC  

Coach Clay and I70 are taking calls if anyone is interested in joining the round table discussion

2019-12-14 02:34:04 UTC  

@Sosa321 Did you see the Hillary bodydouble pic with Bill?

2019-12-14 02:34:32 UTC  

Whoops sorry

2019-12-14 02:34:38 UTC  

I don't know @Ungaa Bungaa

2019-12-14 02:34:48 UTC  

okay, sounds good, thank you

2019-12-14 03:27:14 UTC  

I've called my MI democrat representive, Kildee twice this last week & got my robo e-mail today. We must uphold our constitutional oath .... echo of Pelosi ... yada, yada, yada!

2019-12-14 04:35:57 UTC  

LightBe777 sounds good thank u

2019-12-14 20:39:03 UTC  

"Planned/coordinated attacks on BARR coming [smear campaign]."

2019-12-14 21:24:03 UTC  

☝️ devastating! Ukrainians willing to testify!!

2019-12-14 21:25:52 UTC  


2019-12-14 22:07:54 UTC  

@hereEighties Erin is taking calls Live On Air. You are welcome to call in using Pre-Screening Voice.

2019-12-14 23:23:18 UTC  

My two messages just got blocked on the live chat because I disagreed with the show host. Shameful...shutting down free speech and yes I was nice about my disagreement. I was posting facts about an Article V Convention of States. Read Article V it says States APPLY CONGRESS CALLS AND CONGRESS IS IN CONTROL. The States ARE NOT in CONTROL. Remember when Ron Paul and Romney were at the Republican National Convention in Florida. The Rules had been written and agreed to before the Convention but the minute the gavel went down to call the Convention to order a motion was made and seconded to change the rules approved. See the rules in an Article V Convention of States can easily be changed and we would say goodbye to our Constitution. It is too dangerous to open our CONSTITUTION.

2019-12-14 23:26:24 UTC  

@fanfarm it tells you who did it, when someone times you out or otherwise, so who did it?

2019-12-14 23:26:42 UTC  

cause the wrenches are all mums about it right now, theres nothing in the logs indicating no actions have been taken today

2019-12-14 23:27:33 UTC  

My two posts don't appear why???

2019-12-14 23:29:03 UTC  

The show host was a female. I don't remember her name. She worked for the Cruz camp during presidential primary.

2019-12-14 23:32:40 UTC  

your youtube name is fanfarm?

2019-12-14 23:33:59 UTC  

No...Carolyn Worssam. Fanfarm is discord only.

2019-12-14 23:37:15 UTC  

@fanfarm pam just checked the livechat blocklist for the name carolyn worssam, it is not in there.

you are not blocked.

2019-12-14 23:38:39 UTC  

are you on possibly viewing Top chat and not Live chat? they look the same

2019-12-14 23:38:44 UTC  

but top chat leaves things out

2019-12-14 23:41:51 UTC

2019-12-14 23:42:54 UTC  

Then why didnt my comments appear?? This has happened before. I know top chat is different that is why I choose live chat... maybe in my passion to speak out I overlooked the live chat and was typing in top chat.. a mystery..
Thank you for checking also please thank Pam for checking too.

2019-12-14 23:44:30 UTC  

no worries,

keep in mind its always possible youtube is applying a shadow ban on the account, if so this same thing would occur in any chat on any channel, so try testing around,

ive had it happen to myself numerous times..

2019-12-14 23:45:37 UTC  


2019-12-14 23:47:48 UTC  

oh also if its relevant that in video chat window misses things all the time

2019-12-14 23:48:44 UTC  

its unreliable, its a custom coded peice of software that is meant to combine numerous chats on twitch and youtube and other sites, into one window. but in the process it often missess things.

2019-12-15 02:15:30 UTC  

Hey guys, I’m feeling ultra’s deadcat n...? I should recognize the voice, but...

2019-12-15 02:15:39 UTC  


2019-12-15 02:16:14 UTC  

Sassy Q

2019-12-15 03:53:30 UTC  

Good evening Good afternoon Good morning Greetings Patriots MAGA KAG WWG1WGA God Bless and God Be With PRESIDENT TRUMP and Us All.

2019-12-15 22:03:54 UTC  

Who is this guy?