Message from @hellcat

Discord ID: 663691956077199360

2020-01-05 00:31:05 UTC  

seems to be a better crowd now cold

2020-01-05 00:31:30 UTC  

like old times

2020-01-05 00:33:39 UTC  

but i still am on casual a lot more than here i just came up here tonight when i seen you message

2020-01-05 00:34:24 UTC  

I saw you had comments here so I tagged ya..

2020-01-05 00:34:41 UTC  

but thinking about coming back here more now that it is quiet

2020-01-05 00:34:58 UTC  

the rif raff left huh? lol

2020-01-05 00:35:03 UTC  

yes i was up earlier

2020-01-05 00:35:32 UTC  

yep for now anyway never see any of them for a while

2020-01-05 00:36:29 UTC  

would like to see the old gang back again and i would stay here

2020-01-05 00:36:58 UTC  

i miss the chating we did

2020-01-05 03:25:27 UTC  

@ColdBrewedFreedom yes... That's me. 😜

2020-01-05 05:17:52 UTC  

@BlueEyes Really? Cool! Same last name..hehe, love your voice!

2020-01-05 15:50:53 UTC  

Iraq’s Parliament calls for expulsion of US troops from the country following drone attack

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2020-01-05 16:00:41 UTC  


2020-01-05 22:08:49 UTC  
2020-01-06 00:35:30 UTC  
2020-01-06 10:28:02 UTC  

@Qbritan(Uk) Sorry uk i taped the junior world hockey canada and russia and was watching this and missed you calling good to see you again i going to try and come back to this channel it seems a lot quiter now hope you come back as well like to see all the older ones that left come back give me another call when you get up or if you are up

2020-01-06 10:29:58 UTC  

Good morning! News Briefing is live

2020-01-06 10:30:43 UTC  

@RickBulow74 Good Morning rick good to see you again

2020-01-06 10:33:43 UTC  

Jus got back online mid-December from a computer failure, @hellcat

You can see me here and you can hear me on the Soapbox during the AM show on the weekdays and on Erin's show on Saturday

2020-01-06 10:34:53 UTC  

yes i can see you now i never went to live soapbox yet todsay rick but you are coming in good here

2020-01-06 10:36:07 UTC  

i will go up there now and see if you are coming in there you were yesterday i seen you@RickBulow74

2020-01-06 10:37:07 UTC  

you can hear me in 90 minutes over there, as I am one of the on-air hosts now, @hellcat

2020-01-06 10:37:52 UTC  

ok i will go there then and see you let you know if i hear you again today i think i will

2020-01-06 10:38:31 UTC  

I am on air 7-9AM Eastern and I am on Erin's Saturday show from 5-8PM

2020-01-06 10:40:23 UTC  

@RickBulow74 rick are you putiiong @hellcat or just hellcat when you are talking to me

2020-01-06 10:41:01 UTC  

try one with just hellcat

2020-01-06 10:41:02 UTC  

@hellcat , I do both

2020-01-06 10:41:26 UTC  

Sometimes I do not even tag you if we are conversing back and forth

2020-01-06 10:42:13 UTC  

yes i do the same but i am getting messages all in gold if my nick is in them

2020-01-06 10:42:23 UTC  

i will show you

2020-01-06 10:42:47 UTC  

@hellcat , I do both

2020-01-06 10:43:11 UTC  

do you see the gold line across the screen

2020-01-06 10:43:41 UTC  

I do when you tag me. I also get a notification on the side

2020-01-06 10:44:56 UTC  

i guess it is because you are an op i dont see gold with you and when i tage you i see blue and just your nick nothing else and no gold cross the screen

2020-01-06 10:45:26 UTC  

but any time hellcat is mentioned i see it come to me in gold

2020-01-06 10:45:54 UTC  

I saw your initial post in gold when you tagged me

2020-01-06 10:46:49 UTC  

ok just blue when i take you so i wonder every time hellcat is mentioned i get gold

2020-01-06 10:48:33 UTC  

@RickBulow74 try rick mentioning my nick with out taging it will you please

2020-01-06 10:50:59 UTC  

I will later.

2020-01-06 10:51:15 UTC  

ok thanks