Message from @noone
Discord ID: 277134773833433088
first agenda
wew lads
broadcast the porn
pretty much
to make them degenerate
You have to be honestly pathetic
to PAY for porn
blast them
torrent it
or y'know
Jeez, you are a liberal degenerate
dont be gay and just pick something
the quality and ease of getting make it worth it
but i'd never pay for it
most of them base their business model off of being free and making income from ads
Aren't most of the porn-stars like abuse victims?
That and abuse from their personal lives
Poe's Law
whos the owner of this?
everything about you infuriates me
Liberal Degenerate, were you with her?
during the election?
careful with those edges
I wasn't here for that I think
might cut yourself
end the revolution early
>le "they're both just as bad" meighmeigh
communism is far worse than nazism
sex robots?