Message from

Discord ID: 516458252461146112

2018-11-25 21:19:05 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/ReallyAbused** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**The Wacky World of Esther Baker (unsubstantiated rape accusers complains of article and contradicts her own court pleadings)** - <>

2018-11-25 21:31:25 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/pubswap** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**How Can Men Have Kids Risk Free?** - <>

2018-11-25 21:44:52 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/iVah1d** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Assaulted at work after being falsely accused of inappropriately touching an employee.** - <>

2018-11-25 21:45:08 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/ThatPugOverThere** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**My feminist friend says that everybody on this sub is a misogynistic sexist** - <>
What do YOU have to say to her r/MensRights?

2018-11-25 22:00:08 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/galvanized_penguin** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Spottee in the Tate Modern, London** - <>

2018-11-25 22:00:22 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/mrcoolguy1_1** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Thoughts on the #ThotAudit?** - <>

Basically all the females running Instagram/premium snapchat accounts selling nodes are being reported to the IRS for not reporting their income. L...

2018-11-25 22:14:51 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Iamacringeteen** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**If it was the other way round there would be a riot** - <>

2018-11-25 22:14:56 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Iamacringeteen** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**If it was the other way round there would be a riot** - <>

2018-11-25 22:15:53 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Ezekiel_98** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Laop drugged and raped , unhappy with pace of investigation. ( Thought you'll would find this interesting )** - <>

2018-11-25 23:26:23 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/TheAndredal** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Feminist's biggest lie - women owe them for the vote | HBR Talk 59** - <>

2018-11-25 23:48:09 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/The-beat-man** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Australia: Right-wing trolls report online sex workers to tax authorities** - <>
turning into the male version of anti-sex feminists


Online sex workers have slammed a viral campaign by right-wing “incels” and men’s rights activists to mass report them to tax authorities for allegedly failing to declare inc...

2018-11-25 23:49:35 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/BaronBilgewater** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Most female homicide victims are killed in the home... (BBC quietly mentions later that 80% of murder victims are men).** - <>

2018-11-25 23:57:04 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/BaronBilgewater** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Probation for infanticide. What would a man’s sentence be?** - <>

2018-11-26 00:11:53 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/torojul** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**When I said there shouldn't be presumptions about a man paying on the first date** - <>

2018-11-26 00:45:16 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/testies1-2-3** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Photographer Harassed by Woman in Park** - <>

2018-11-26 00:55:17 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Loula_Belle_Aus** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex Differences But Were Too PC To Ask. A summary of the research by a scientist who's written a book about it.** - <>

2018-11-26 01:12:25 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/yousefrom** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Feminism is CANCER!!!!** - <>

2018-11-26 01:27:34 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/konous** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**If you're against False Rape Accusations you can't be for SnapThauditing** - <>
You heard me right, mates. If you're reporting Snapchat Thots, Cam Girls,or any other form of Sex Worker please cease and desist all arguments against False Rape Accusation or support for those bereaved by it, because let's be honest here, report...

2018-11-26 02:11:14 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/tmone** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Save this for the next time a feminist claims that men need feminism.** - <>

Feminists fight AGAINST men's rights.

Here are some examples to prove my point.

Father's rights group want shared parenting (equal custody) to be the default if both parents want custody and neither parent is unfit. They feel that men should ...

2018-11-26 03:07:51 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Ruinkilledmydog** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Male Redditor 2018 starterpack** - <>

2018-11-26 03:40:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/McFeely_Smackup** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Serial ‘dine-and-dash dater’ sentenced to jail and prohibited from using dating apps** - <>

2018-11-26 03:48:07 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/MyClothesWereInThere** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**The perfect man.** - <>

2018-11-26 03:53:33 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/DougDante** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Dallas fire forces 6 people, including baby, to jump from burning building. Heroic bystander young men helped to save many lives.** - <>

2018-11-26 03:55:50 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/purplepig717** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**This subreddit is a joke** - <>
FFS grow up. Learn not to act like 3yos.

2018-11-26 04:01:35 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/DougDante** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Pissed off Father calls out the corrupt Judicial Council of California to their face.** - <>
> Pissed off Father calls out the corrupt Judicial Council of California to their face.


tweet with me to seek justice:


2018-11-26 05:07:08 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/danhab99** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Instead of teaching girls of ways not to get raped, we need to teach our boys not to rape.** - <>

2018-11-26 06:20:19 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/peanutunion** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Woman in uber gets denied sex multiple times** - <>

2018-11-26 06:38:03 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Bob-Joh** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**What do you guys think of the movie Thunder Road and what it says about parental custody cases?** - <>
In the movie the main character, Jim, has had partial custody (I don’t remember the percentage)of his daughter and wants 50/50 custody. On top of that, his mother’s recent passing has put his emotions on the rocks. When he goes to court to request...

2018-11-26 06:51:02 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/foolkiller** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Warning: Telling a Lame Joke in an Elevator can Endanger Your Career** - <>

2018-11-26 07:30:48 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/dontpet** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Any research available in regards to male victims attempting/ completing suicide?** - <>
It is common for victims of family violence to consider suicide. When I went looking I didn't see much even about female suicide in this context.

I suspect that more men die of suicide when they are victims of family violence, than both genders c...

2018-11-26 08:16:49 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/swiet** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Honest feminist gives honest hate speech** - <>

2018-11-26 08:23:22 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/lemonncheese** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**God bless Dr. Watsa (Indian Sexpert)** - <>

2018-11-26 08:24:50 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/3lectrik** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Rude lady pushes guy out of way and gets what she deserves** - <>

2018-11-26 08:27:58 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/3lectrik** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Cop decks highschool girl** - <>

2018-11-26 08:29:34 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/fat-stanley** posted a new self post in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Man freed from prison accused of killing woman on same day** - <>

2018-11-26 08:43:17 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/lemonncheese** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Immediately after WHO talked about Men's Health, this is latest tweet** - <>

2018-11-26 09:06:48 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/auMatech** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**"Meta-Harassment"** - <>
I came across this gem being cross posted on Facebook (where else..).

>Recently there has been a new kind of sexual harassment, which deserves a new name: "Meta-Harassment"
>Meta-Harassment can catch you at any time, unaware, but is particu...

2018-11-26 09:11:37 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/3lectrik** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**2 Women Fall To The Floor After Receiving Life Sentence For Murdering A Young Girl** - <>

2018-11-26 10:39:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/swiet** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Feminists are bringing back 1939-1945** - <>

2018-11-26 11:26:14 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/drchocolatecake** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Men's Rights are worth fighting for...?** - <>

2018-11-26 11:59:32 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/PeterWrightMGTOW** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Janice Fiamengo: This is the way physics ends. Not with a Big Bang, but a feminist whimper** - <>