Message from

Discord ID: 530737086630723594

2019-01-04 03:34:38 UTC  

That post should be shared on many places.

2019-01-04 03:49:15 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/bbcbarbarossa** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**A man got caught voice recording his consensual sex with someone because he was worried he might get falsely accused** - <>
This is from Mumbai, India. And now there's an open internet movement against him. As a man you really have no defence against this devil.

Currently being posted on Instagram stories such as this

2019-01-04 04:37:57 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/raffu280** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Long Island mother-of-two accused of trying to kill her estranged husband by pouring antifreeze into his drinks at least twice in front of their young children** - <>

2019-01-04 04:44:38 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/deamondude05** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**#Equality This is what is going to happen in near future. This is what happens when you give women too much freedom** - <>

2019-01-04 05:34:06 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/DignifiedAlpaca** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**New California divorce law: treat pets like people** - <>

2019-01-04 05:56:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/yadleinad** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**[false accusation] No Evidence of Alleged Child Sexual Assault [False Accusation]** - <>

2019-01-04 06:06:34 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/yadleinad** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Male Student Denied The Most Basic Due Process [false allegations]** - <>

2019-01-04 07:56:17 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/prf_q** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Consequences of punching police horse** - <>

2019-01-04 08:12:12 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Legal Database (Due Process / Title IX Lawsuits)** - <>

2019-01-04 08:22:57 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/pikaaaaachu** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Why strict liability will ruin your life without a second thought.** - <>
original comment here:

Preface: I was told by /u/yebsayoke to crosspost this here. I am definitely not an "MRA", but I am a cons...

2019-01-04 09:09:48 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Trans Men Furious to Be Excluded From ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Rant Just Because They Don’t Have a Penis** - <>

2019-01-04 09:18:47 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Disabled Feminists Plan 'Non-March' to Compete With 2 Women's Marches in Identity Politics Meltdown** - <>

2019-01-04 10:17:12 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Mens-Advocate** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**"The rising culture of misandry"** - <>

2019-01-04 11:02:21 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/justfor0000** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**what's a issue you face as a man that you really wish you did not?** - <>

2019-01-04 11:12:05 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/JonasMMA** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Reminder: I made an emotional support subreddit where people can share stories, give advice and support victims of false accusations. The subreddit is r/SupportForTheAccused** - <>
This is a huge issue and if this repost gives some more people the chance of venting to someone that will listen and support them, it’s with it. I didn’t have that chance and had no one to vent to when it happened to me.


2019-01-04 11:32:04 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/trot-trot** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Nuns in India tell AP of enduring abuse in Catholic church** - <>

2019-01-04 11:38:57 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/beculet** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Streamer girl gets destroyed after defending a woman for being hormonal.** - <>

2019-01-04 12:21:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/phoebegeebie** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Sued for saving someone’s life** - <>
A lot of you may have heard of Cassidy Boon, the moron who was saved from drowning by a man who I can’t find the name of. She sued him for rape, which degrades the seriousness of rape and just is completely sexist, I want to know does anyone know ...

2019-01-04 12:26:52 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Dave1962** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Female teacher, 39, gets six months in jail for classroom sex with two 17-year-old male students. Swap the genders of the participants and guess how many years the teacher would be in prison.** - <>

2019-01-04 12:38:32 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/RepresentativeTell** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Vegetative Patient Raped - men must have a female monitor entering female rooms** - <>

2019-01-04 13:19:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/MRA-Sid** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**There are no laws for men.** - <>

2019-01-04 14:05:45 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Mode1961** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Would you consider this an example of Cognitive Dissonance?** - <>
So we have all seen feminists say "I don't put on makeup for men, I put it on for myself". We have also seen feminists say "Men should still pay for dates because of all the money women spend on makeup and clothes for them"

2019-01-04 14:45:47 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/boringcarpets** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Men are more disadvantaged than women in the UK, US and most of Europe, scientists claim | Metro News** - <>

2019-01-04 15:19:58 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/reeeren** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Their pretty goals. While at the same time shaming about "wage gaps"** - <>

2019-01-04 16:07:40 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/sonofanarcmom** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Being a vulnerable adult male to a lifelong abusive mother.** - <>

2019-01-04 16:09:52 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/trot-trot** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Watch: Scientists invented a testicle cooler device** - <>

2019-01-04 16:16:55 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/sskkarz** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Woman lies about domestic abuse** - <>

2019-01-04 16:39:32 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/MRA-Sid** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Men are more disadvantaged than women** - <>

2019-01-04 16:41:38 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/nikhilbhavsar** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**

2019-01-04 17:22:01 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/andejoh** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Lets talk about a different double(?) standard in nudity.** - <>
There's another double(?) standard in nudity I'd like to get the sub's opinion on. We were preping for a bachelor party and we could get a third stripper for 30 minutes or a topless waitress for 2 hours. We went with the topless waitress. The b...

2019-01-04 17:35:22 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/TheAndredal** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Education Secretary DeVos's new rules for Title IX and sexual assault will restore fairness across the board** - <>

2019-01-04 18:12:22 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Kavaman2014** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**A Texas Junior High School teacher was arrested Wednesday, accused of trying to arrange for men in Morocco to have sex with an underage family member, local officials said.** - <>

2019-01-04 18:19:32 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Basic Indicator of Gender Inequality (BIGI) - The most comprehensive version showing that men are disadvantaged - bookmark and save!** - <>

2019-01-04 18:32:24 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/M_Justice** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**New California #Metoo Sexual Harassment Laws Go Into Effect in 2019; Eliminates Confidentiality and Ability to Defend Lawsuits; Creates Blacklists, Even False Allegations Are Not Defamatory** - <>

2019-01-04 19:19:17 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/dummuru** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Misandry has been extremely normalised these days.** - <>

2019-01-04 19:30:28 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/JohnKimble111** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Non-feminist International Women’s Day Preparations** - <>

2019-01-04 19:42:09 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Ovv_Topik** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Toxic men exercising their patriarchal privilege.** - <>

2019-01-04 19:42:38 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/MRA-Sid** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Women are out earning men** - <>

2019-01-04 20:05:58 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/roharareddit** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Anti-sexual violence groups feel 'pinch' as government shutdown nears 2 weeks** - <>

2019-01-04 20:25:54 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/spy9911** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**The usual hypocrisy from buzzfeed** - <>

2019-01-04 20:31:44 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/WarOfNoise** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**I've noticed something interesting when trying to talk about men's issues in society: it's often redirected to a race issue. Here's a pretty blatant example** - <>