Message from @Bobby_Hill

Discord ID: 545730438799425546

2019-02-14 21:27:15 UTC  


2019-02-14 21:27:55 UTC  

He's gone

2019-02-14 21:27:57 UTC  

He was flooding that channels with very long blank messages

2019-02-14 21:28:12 UTC  

All channels

2019-02-14 21:28:37 UTC  

*the channels

2019-02-14 21:28:59 UTC  

thankfully discord lets you wipe out all messages from a specific user

2019-02-14 21:30:45 UTC  

The MRM isn't allowed to have a discourse apparantly. Feminism again resorts to pulling fire alarms to shut down conversation

2019-02-14 21:58:21 UTC  

@Suzaku Kururugi mirai nikki is good, I have it on blu Ray

2019-02-14 21:59:08 UTC  

yandere are god tier

2019-02-14 21:59:44 UTC  

I have my anime in alphabetical order, but I keep it under M even though it says F for the start xD

2019-02-14 21:59:54 UTC  

Astro Boy Abridged is funny

2019-02-14 22:00:28 UTC  

That's rather a young tiered aimed anime isn't it?

2019-02-14 22:01:19 UTC  

eh it was one of the classics that got the genre started

2019-02-14 22:02:04 UTC  

I cant stand how most animes emasculate their male protagonists

2019-02-14 22:02:43 UTC  

Mm. Well I do dislike when anime have the MC get slapped and they just like don't care and don't think they deserve it

2019-02-14 22:02:58 UTC  

Black Lagoon is pretty good. No slapping there

2019-02-14 22:03:04 UTC  

I want to see one where he punches the girl back and walks off

2019-02-14 22:04:43 UTC  

boy do i have a video for you

2019-02-14 22:17:35 UTC  

XD thats funny

2019-02-14 22:17:55 UTC  

I love you for that No Homo

2019-02-14 23:06:08 UTC  

I have no issues with homosexuals or trans people

2019-02-14 23:06:15 UTC  

I'm not one but have no issues too

2019-02-14 23:45:29 UTC  

When I was parking my car a little bit ago some dude was crossing the street as I was getting out on a very long intercept course with me looking at me like he had a problem. Thought I was going to have to throw down.

2019-02-14 23:46:17 UTC  

That doesn't sound fun

2019-02-15 00:24:27 UTC  

Yeah, I’ve been in similar situations. Never really fun.

2019-02-15 01:24:20 UTC  

2019-02-15 01:37:42 UTC  


2019-02-15 02:24:47 UTC  

hello! 🐝

2019-02-15 02:59:08 UTC  

2019-02-15 03:21:10 UTC  

good night

2019-02-15 04:47:16 UTC  

2019-02-15 05:51:27 UTC  

2019-02-15 07:15:47 UTC  

2019-02-15 08:28:05 UTC  

Hello to everyone who has just arrived! @The Original Crusty One @Bobalugee1940 @Wadogaming @Logan @ash

2019-02-15 08:28:35 UTC  

So what is everyone up to tonight?

2019-02-15 08:37:10 UTC  

Any good new multiplayer video games or movies that anyone can recommend?

2019-02-15 08:38:11 UTC  

I'm kinda in the mood for something like Factorio

2019-02-15 12:01:16 UTC  

2019-02-15 12:01:38 UTC  

Hello everyone

2019-02-15 12:21:07 UTC  

Hello @Gemini pupper . How are you doing?