Message from @electric bruhgaloo
Discord ID: 557026322656788495
I’m fucking mad
Idk why
quisht nani
I’m fucking
tell me i'm pretty
Legitimately a
bruh, talk us through it
what do you want leafman
@Grim Creeper am I good looking?
I’ll go into my garage
why you sad/mad
And get a leafblower
And put you back into the pile
I swear
@Nani I'd fuck you but I am pretty horny lol
that's fine, we're not actually made from leafs
@smirnoff SHUT UP
as if you could fuck anything with that 3 incher
Nobody fucking likes you smirnoff
if you want to blow leafs that's cool bruh
Cap yourself with a 22
bruh shut the hell up
And bleed out
if you meant to say "I don't like you"
then say it
You nigger
I don’t
you fucking moron brown nosing piece of shit
Fucking like you
@electric bruhgaloo why are you so angry?