Message from @Stern

Discord ID: 523945520956440588

2018-12-16 19:27:48 UTC  

the fucker got ice picked epic style

2018-12-16 19:27:54 UTC  

you will force women to enter the work force

2018-12-16 19:28:06 UTC  

no I wont

2018-12-16 19:28:22 UTC  

capitalism will force them into the work force for more profit n shieeet

2018-12-16 19:28:29 UTC  

like with what's happening now

2018-12-16 19:28:34 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:28:48 UTC  

and marxism does the same because muh post scarcity

2018-12-16 19:28:58 UTC  

there's more socialism than marxism

2018-12-16 19:29:18 UTC  

marxism is materialist and antinational

2018-12-16 19:30:09 UTC  

some people are all like "its the jewish commies" and others say "it's the jewish capitalists"

2018-12-16 19:30:10 UTC  

I say

2018-12-16 19:30:13 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:31:09 UTC  

so you're a Socialist?

2018-12-16 19:31:20 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:31:27 UTC  

in a broad sense

2018-12-16 19:31:39 UTC  

and for a Republic?

2018-12-16 19:31:55 UTC  

not necessarily

2018-12-16 19:32:11 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:32:14 UTC  

ew no

2018-12-16 19:32:20 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:32:26 UTC  

monarchy is basically a private entity owning the nation

2018-12-16 19:32:38 UTC  

so what

2018-12-16 19:32:49 UTC  

I'm not a monarchist

2018-12-16 19:32:57 UTC  

can still have you Socialist thing going on

2018-12-16 19:33:05 UTC  

eh debatably

2018-12-16 19:33:15 UTC  

but reviving monarchy is just

2018-12-16 19:33:17 UTC  

not epic

2018-12-16 19:33:30 UTC  

it's like trying to revive a dead empire

2018-12-16 19:33:48 UTC  

Socialist Countries usually can't defend themselves

2018-12-16 19:34:00 UTC  

like they get destroyed from the outside

2018-12-16 19:34:02 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:34:16 UTC  

because they're weak on the inside

2018-12-16 19:34:27 UTC  

what sort of appeal to war is this

2018-12-16 19:34:42 UTC  

I'm just saying it's not sustainable

2018-12-16 19:34:45 UTC  

I disagree

2018-12-16 19:35:22 UTC  

you're arguing from an idealogical perspective, so I wont try to change your view

2018-12-16 19:35:28 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:35:44 UTC  

im not ideological about economics

2018-12-16 19:36:20 UTC  

if there was a more Darwinian form of Socialism, i might be for it

2018-12-16 19:36:31 UTC  

it's called if you dont work you dont eat

2018-12-16 19:36:38 UTC  

but most forms of it aren't even Sustainable in the short term