Message from @blyat

Discord ID: 510196170715561989

2018-11-08 20:50:33 UTC  

it's DUTY

2018-11-08 20:51:04 UTC  

Hopefully something boils over before this country completely rots from the inside out

2018-11-08 20:51:13 UTC  

why TF would anyone in their right mind vote for someone who *literally admits that their constituents are not their priority, but some randoms with sob stories*

2018-11-08 20:51:25 UTC  

It’s that simple. This is why Nazi is him was a reaction against communism and again why the far right is emerging as a reaction to the far left. We are classical liberals at heart but we know that they want an environment in which classical liberalism can exist cannot exist under the current conditions. Or the conditions that they want.

2018-11-08 20:52:08 UTC  

Woah, that is actually really well said

2018-11-08 20:52:51 UTC  

We are the white blood cells of western civilization.

2018-11-08 20:53:07 UTC  

Keyword white

2018-11-08 20:53:42 UTC  

Aristotle new 2000 years ago that this wouldn’t work. And his writings he talks about how not having a racially homogenous society inevitably leads to collapse and cannot support democracy. Demographics are everything. Civic nationalism is not enough. And it pains me to come to that conclusion.

2018-11-08 20:54:06 UTC  

I'm a goddamn centrist for fucks sake
and getting all this stupid far-left propaganda pushed at me
lectured on privilege for being Asian because we aren't a minority anymore I guess (because we're successful?

2018-11-08 20:54:33 UTC  

What's wrong with people preferring to live with others like them
as long as they don't rabidly hate those who don't look/think like them for no reason and can get along that's fine

2018-11-08 20:54:47 UTC  

why force wildly different people to live together and then act all surprised when it don't work

2018-11-08 20:54:51 UTC  

It’s perfectly acceptable to do that as long as you’re not white.

2018-11-08 20:55:18 UTC  

as long as you're not white or asian because east asians *are not considered minorities*

2018-11-08 20:55:18 UTC  

I try hard to stay a civic nationalist, but I fear eventually I may be forced into a different conclusion by the facts

2018-11-08 20:55:19 UTC  

This is our fate. We build up the world to Heights the rest of the world could never have possibly dreamed of and then we must defend our creation from them as they try to destroy it in the process of taking it for themselves.

2018-11-08 20:55:37 UTC  

And that’s another thing too, the complete rebranding of being proud of your country, who you are, what you stand for. It blows me away.

2018-11-08 20:55:45 UTC  

the barbarian hordes are approaching our modern Rome

2018-11-08 20:56:09 UTC  

but unlike ancient ballistas or bows, our ROF is much fucking higher

2018-11-08 20:57:03 UTC  

there are people who unironically think that blocking 7200 people from illegally entering the country is racist

2018-11-08 20:57:09 UTC  

how is that racist

2018-11-08 20:57:26 UTC  

they're being denied entry not because they're brown
they're being denied entry because what they're trying is illegal

2018-11-08 20:58:27 UTC  

there was a whole thing I saw about the migrants trying to sue that not being let in was against their human and constitutional rights or something. But I find that hard to believe because it's patently ridiculous.

2018-11-08 20:58:34 UTC  

I saw that.

2018-11-08 20:59:11 UTC  


2018-11-08 20:59:14 UTC  

Hitler‘s greatest atrocity in crime against humanity is yet to come. And that crime is making any sort of pride in your nation or even the drive to defend it taboo.

2018-11-08 20:59:21 UTC  

they aren't US citizens
they don't get US constitutional rights

2018-11-08 20:59:25 UTC  

not hard

2018-11-08 21:00:04 UTC  

they're also really fucking dumb if they think that not being allowed to violate the borders of a sovereign nation is a human right

2018-11-08 21:00:12 UTC  

actually i can simplify that

2018-11-08 21:00:12 UTC  

The worst part is the emotions from all of this is intended

2018-11-08 21:00:17 UTC  

they're really fucking dumb

2018-11-08 21:00:32 UTC  

Like Churchill said the single greatest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter

2018-11-08 21:00:59 UTC  

obviously CNN or some shit is getting these chatlongs from discord and then saying that gamers or males or whatever they're trying to target is a breeding ground for hate

2018-11-08 21:01:07 UTC  

I am at the point where I know that this is not enough. What I’m doing now is not enough. I don’t know what to do.

2018-11-08 21:01:11 UTC  

I mean

2018-11-08 21:01:14 UTC  

Are they wrong

2018-11-08 21:01:28 UTC  

Who wrong about what?

2018-11-08 21:02:24 UTC  

We do talk about a lot of shit hypothetically in a minecraft server

2018-11-08 21:02:37 UTC  

Gas the creepers in Minecraft.

2018-11-08 21:02:52 UTC  


2018-11-08 21:02:54 UTC  

What can we do at this point?