Message from @Punished Ggnome

Discord ID: 530441587335888897

2019-01-03 04:56:08 UTC  

check if he is against vacination

2019-01-03 04:56:21 UTC  

All started cause I showed the logo he designed us on some patches via picture

2019-01-03 04:56:40 UTC  

Not out of instigation. Basically he saw a leather scrap in the background

2019-01-03 04:56:49 UTC  

And had to inject this shit

2019-01-03 04:58:03 UTC  

Well I used the oil card cause it is plants and (some,) animals. Apparently since he eats plants he doesn't give two fucks about plants. Just animals.

2019-01-03 04:58:40 UTC  

@Runes So yeah. All of that came from this picture.

2019-01-03 04:58:48 UTC

2019-01-03 04:59:06 UTC  

He was looking for an out and took one

2019-01-03 04:59:15 UTC  

I thought that too actually.

2019-01-03 04:59:36 UTC  

That'll happen with pro bono work

2019-01-03 04:59:44 UTC  

More than willing to pay

2019-01-03 04:59:56 UTC  

I think he doesn't want to "take," my money

2019-01-03 04:59:59 UTC  

*now comision me for shit heh*

2019-01-03 05:00:12 UTC  

Really weird guy I met in Star shitizen

2019-01-03 05:01:00 UTC  

Basically our guilds back when I ran one used to be allied but my guys and their guys didn't get along due to right and left leans

2019-01-03 05:01:18 UTC  

So this is probably an easy out like Runes said. Fuck him, hunting feeds my family and leatherworking pays the bills. I won't stop because a former friend goes full PETA over an aesthetic picture.

2019-01-03 10:42:25 UTC  

Wow, never thought people could get mad over leatherworking. Damn

2019-01-03 10:52:27 UTC  

Making my first magazine pouch out of leather today cause of him

2019-01-03 11:21:23 UTC  

Since it's leather, I may do a cartridge pouch, that or measure a STANAG.

2019-01-03 17:40:13 UTC

2019-01-03 17:45:29 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:08:55 UTC  

>O-overpopulation doesnt cause a problem, we can just fix it qith science
>Completely ignoring the Dutch lands, and the disaster their embargo on hunting deer caused in the one main patch of untouched wilds

2019-01-04 00:39:31 UTC  

What the government doesn’t know won’t hurt them. If a few deer disappear, who’s gunna know?

2019-01-04 00:56:25 UTC  

The government

2019-01-04 00:57:00 UTC  

Not if you don’t go willingly.

2019-01-04 00:57:30 UTC  

>Implying they dont have mini spydrones watching your every move

2019-01-04 03:46:46 UTC  

If they want to watch me play games and jack off, that’s on them fam.

2019-01-04 15:28:00 UTC  

So if PETA fags got asshurt on day one

2019-01-04 15:28:06 UTC  

I knew I was going in the right direction

2019-01-04 15:28:31 UTC  

I just fucked myself up the ass money wise by investing fully into it but, now I don't have to buy anymore leather tools aside from one or two that can come later

2019-01-04 16:39:21 UTC  

On the upside if you're any good at leatherworking you cna make a decent buck off custom orders.

2019-01-04 16:56:37 UTC  

It's easier than I ever imagined

2019-01-04 16:56:53 UTC  

I think a lot of my sewing and carving skills are shared with this craft

2019-01-04 16:57:13 UTC  

I love it

2019-01-04 19:34:24 UTC  

You can get away with just a burnisher and few needles for simple things, right?

2019-01-05 03:20:22 UTC  

Burnisher and a edge groove.

2019-01-05 03:20:34 UTC  

Also you need a knife and some LW thread.

2019-01-05 03:21:12 UTC  

Also an overstitcher. That's it

2019-01-05 03:21:25 UTC  

I'd say about ten tools

2019-01-05 03:21:57 UTC  

Look up barrel stock and co. I won't discourage anyone from the craft even if it means producing competition sometimes.