Message from @Punished Ggnome

Discord ID: 530240000776732675

2019-01-02 12:58:14 UTC  

I actually have no idea how to wiggle around this

2019-01-02 12:58:18 UTC  

It's pretty much the biggest of gays

2019-01-02 12:58:37 UTC  

I mean one could argue the patches he helped design are for a separate organization and thus btfo

2019-01-02 12:58:42 UTC  

but, jesus christ

2019-01-02 12:59:50 UTC  

I'm gonna sleep fuck the rest of today until later tonight

2019-01-02 16:06:52 UTC  


2019-01-02 16:07:02 UTC  

This nigga

2019-01-02 23:49:08 UTC  

Wait, so is he refuting your right to use anything hes designed on a leather patch?

2019-01-02 23:49:27 UTC  

Also dox the shit out of him so I can introduce him to my meaty shovel

2019-01-02 23:49:47 UTC  

No he is saying no more commissions

2019-01-02 23:50:04 UTC  

Doxing is a trash move and I'll torpedo your business myself if you dox

2019-01-02 23:50:25 UTC  

>Implying you can get a torpedo on land

2019-01-02 23:50:31 UTC  

Actually thats a thought

2019-01-02 23:50:42 UTC  

Anyone got any spare bicycle wheels?

2019-01-02 23:50:50 UTC  

And a small engine?

2019-01-02 23:56:48 UTC  

You can use torpedoes as bombs

2019-01-03 00:27:57 UTC  

@Punished Ggnome start selling animal food

2019-01-03 04:23:03 UTC  

I don't dox you retards.

2019-01-03 04:23:14 UTC  

For business to work there must be trust.

2019-01-03 04:23:30 UTC  

I *do* sell animal food once a year. Moose jerky that I make myself.

2019-01-03 04:24:27 UTC  

Basically he won't do any more pro bono or paid artwork for me or for my guild because of the actions of my personal business.

2019-01-03 04:27:41 UTC  

It is also exactly for what was written above that due a segment of my customers being on discord I have not written my address on my website yet in the contact field. People are too fast to suggest doxing.

2019-01-03 04:50:26 UTC

2019-01-03 04:50:28 UTC

2019-01-03 04:51:04 UTC  

SmArTeSt PeOpLe iN a RoOm WilL FiX iT.

2019-01-03 04:51:35 UTC  

>being vegan and not knowing that conservationists hunt to aid animal populations

2019-01-03 04:52:03 UTC  

Yeah fuck it. Just gonna put real leather bags on the website and see if anti veganism drives sales

2019-01-03 04:53:46 UTC  

well oil isent nesecary dead dinos tho but also plants and shit but still

2019-01-03 04:53:58 UTC  

>sentient life
>most wild animals

2019-01-03 04:54:01 UTC  

( dead microorganism)

2019-01-03 04:54:10 UTC  

You’re not gonna change peoples minds by ranting at them on the internet.

2019-01-03 04:54:14 UTC  

Just move on.

2019-01-03 04:54:20 UTC  

It's all about that Sapience boyo

2019-01-03 04:54:31 UTC  


2019-01-03 04:54:39 UTC  

ask if he is against vacines too

2019-01-03 04:55:37 UTC  

I haven't ranted. I asked if this guy was anti hunt too

2019-01-03 04:55:43 UTC  


2019-01-03 04:55:54 UTC  

Just gonna give up on this guy and move on

2019-01-03 04:56:08 UTC  

check if he is against vacination

2019-01-03 04:56:21 UTC  

All started cause I showed the logo he designed us on some patches via picture

2019-01-03 04:56:40 UTC  

Not out of instigation. Basically he saw a leather scrap in the background