Message from @2019 Suicide Watch Rambo
Discord ID: 483450156465913856
@PsytheAngeryCleric dont go down that rabbit hole
@PsytheAngeryCleric yes, i did a reading in the original server once
*Dear fucking shit why*
Because we wanted to see sadmin cringe from the time he was shipped with a trap
moka ur rifu is bad and you should feel bad
m8 ill fight you
I shouldn't have lurked as hard as I did in the old server
Mom said it's my turn on the xbox
@rape post sharpie
>.303 penis
even better post it
45-70 or bust
I'm up to 8mm
what the fuck
.45-70 is the best CCW
Inb4 I conceal carry my magnum research 45-70
It's back!
bet u wont
Just CCW a obrez'd 45-70 lever action
I also might buy their 7.62x39 revolver
>and put steel tips in it
Even better, a single shot break action 45-70 pistol
A .303 British Welrod
But only with black powder 45-70
.12.7mm russian welrod
Would it be acceptable for me to add a fellow /k/ommando into here?
Doit as long as it isn't some chromosome castle fag
The moar autism the better
could you remanufacture a cut mosin receiver and create a new handgun out of it? basically to make an oberez without the SBR stamp?
hey mother fuckers
Cock cheese