Message from @CornfieldAnon
Discord ID: 483784410034995201
@Innaswamp i aint a shill if i dont make money
Then you're a mistake
Friendly reminder everyone: go bully chapter 1-6 bosses for event memes
Still not pulled her
I need her for my MG/shotty team
damn, Ive been trying forever to pull 5 star MGs
Yall niggas just shite
I decided to start trying for 'em 1-2 weeks ago
@quant show us yer MG/Shotty team :0
Even though you sliver through my valley of death, i shall fear no evil
you can't be afraid if you're mind is full of dick
Is that link
What the fuck
no, its Tim
Of course
@ariz0na_man why are you fags impersonating me
Because that had inazuma written all over it
My BF sent me the old article of Alan Tissington's War collection getting blown up
and that made me think
Is destroying genuine Great War equipment the equivalent to Nazis and/or ISIS burning books?
Not particularly
Most war stuff was mass produced and not of great historical importance. That being said it's still sad
Go away jew
I took these last night. Thoughts?
Pretty good imo
Framing is better with the second one, I think