Message from @Bald Eagle Jerk
Discord ID: 509369629903290388
Fuggin hippies in Asheville and Wilmington shitting the state up
What's the amendment number, I wanna look that up
I do want to move to NC one day but damn.
NC's alright as long as you avoid the big metropolitan areas. Also our firework and alcohol laws are cucked
I see shine in stores tho wtf
How is Charleston? My company has a center up there and I was thinking of it as an option should I ever move.
I fucking hate Orlando.
We out here
Voting n shit
There needs to be a KANG emote on here...
*dabs in parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy*
you got a loicense for that, m8
Vote red bois
dis ere a no dab zone
Lest we get shit like red flag
not without prohpuh paypurs, roight
This aint britain
shut up eastern Norwegian
We are not even in eu
Well, that's a plus.
Sidenote: I'm not sure why people are hyping this election up so much, tbh.
The most that Dems will likely get is being the reason for a lame duck congress.
Even if Gillum wins FL, I don't foresee anything *actually* being done.
Or am I just retarded and not paying enough attention.
gills would get stonewalled even by his own party
assuming he doesn't get arrested
That's what I was kind of thinking.
So the results will be A) Lefties cheering and inhaling their own farts for another two years, while blaming lame duck/anything bad on the GOP or B) 2016+2: Electric Boogaloo
The latter choice bringing more winning
A yer poletics gets more fucked B yer poletics gets more fucked
Shut the fuck up, Europe
And now I should shut up because leaf
At LeAsT i HaVe GunS tO fIgHt AgAiNsT tyRaNnY
>Rice paddies
We have guns here too tho
How restrictive are fun laws over there?