Message from @Bald Eagle Jerk
Discord ID: 509373594594443284
Or am I just retarded and not paying enough attention.
gills would get stonewalled even by his own party
assuming he doesn't get arrested
That's what I was kind of thinking.
So the results will be A) Lefties cheering and inhaling their own farts for another two years, while blaming lame duck/anything bad on the GOP or B) 2016+2: Electric Boogaloo
The latter choice bringing more winning
A yer poletics gets more fucked B yer poletics gets more fucked
Shut the fuck up, Europe
And now I should shut up because leaf
At LeAsT i HaVe GunS tO fIgHt AgAiNsT tyRaNnY
>Rice paddies
We have guns here too tho
How restrictive are fun laws over there?
Gonna call the embassy and see if I can vote
I forgot to file my absentee ballot due to being backlogged with my business
Well police dont realy ask questions before you register 5-6th rifle for hunting
What weap restrictions
Leafs have magazine restrictions
No scary ak either
Well «military weapons»
(((assault))) rifles
But you can like register ar-15 if your lucky for comp
>registering anything
Also m1 garand can be used for hunting heh
It's actually illegal in my state to register firearms.
whats that
never done it
Also there is still a shitload of weapons here and there from ww2
Huh, that's new for me then
Every leaf I know has been denied an ak
Oh well, good for them
(Also mausers are cheep as f
It's like *one* person
And maybe it was before something was passed, idk lol
I wouldn't mind having a Mauser.
@Farenthas a selection of Valmet sporter guns from the 90’s are the only legal AK’s in Canada unless you’ve been grandfathered to have the proper license
Like 300 usd cheep