Message from @Farenthas
Discord ID: 509376907574378496
I'd have to file 6D, and on election day.
Is it even a big deal in VA, this year?
I don't know, I'm overseas.
That's absentee.
VA is a blue state so if I can't vote due to complications, well, it wouldn't have mattered anyways.
They always go blue
It's West VA that's red, yeah?
Yeah it ain't happening.
They're swamped and not picking up so no consular services to unfuck this.
The bipartisan system is a flawed system the founding fathers flat out told us to avoid, so votes don't matter In general
It'd be *nice* if LP wasn't a fucking joke.
komi is best girl
Yeah nothing can be done.
Since VA didn't mail me my ballot and I didn't go last week, it can't be sorted.
I forgot a portion of this is on the State to email me - I bet they don't even know I'm fucking gone lmao
Last time it was time to vote, they thought I lived in a county that I'd not been in, in over a year.
Do you get political mail?
In Sweden?
I should have taken pictures of some of the flyers I got mailed
>Paying the USPS to mail junk mail to Sweden
I hated delivering that shit
They made me *want* GOP to lose
When I was a mailman that shit would arrive on pallets and just be bundled like newspapers in bands
And you knew your day was fucked, and that you were working past closing time.
I read stories about mailmen who refused to deliver that shit.
I wish I had that luxury.
Like, there were a few people arrested and federally charged who were like stashing them in their garage
It always comes in fall/winter too so you're cold as fuck cause no heater and you can't skip any boxes
Burning them
Yeah, you get a felony for that
Sadly lol
Two technically, destruction of mail and the other crime of delaying the mail.