Message from @Somnio
Discord ID: 517207064456724491
hello im newfag, nice to meet you
newfag here
Welcome dweeb
not new per se as i joined quite a while ago but never did shit
Holy he'll a lurker showed up
Make that two lurkers turbonerd
I'll be damned
When the fuck you get in here
maybe this is an appropriate place to tell the story of the dream I had the other night, it was about Sadmin
This is going to be one of those gay ones ain't it.
Anybody got those crude drawings of Sadmins nudes
I had a dream the other night that I was in a giant blimp that Sadmin was piloting, we were cruising across the country in the sky relaxing. but the inside of his blimp was like a comfy department store. On the cruise, me the passengers were walking around inside the blimp and buying T-shirts, other clothes, guns, ammo, postcards, and other stuff. I went to a dark dirty corner of the blimp that no-one was at and I found a bargain bin of velcro anime patches! they were just $1 each, I bought 10 of them. I was pretty happy with the blimp cruise.
Sounds chill af
it was
I never thought i'd be able to shop in a flying department store before
@Sadmin When are you going to buy a blimp
or just inflate Fugu and use him as the blimp
I will cover it in hakenkreuzes and name it Hindenburg's Revenge
Has anyone here ever quit smoking cigs
I stopped once can’t do it again
I didnt wanna die or be in poor health. So I quit after smoking for a few years.
not really.
i still find myself smoking a bit sometimes.
That’s the point I’m at
Am a week w/o cigs
I occassionally smoke cigars.