Message from @Farenthas

Discord ID: 517420509307076636

2018-11-28 19:18:50 UTC  

Eventually it bleeds not the company but, the industry dry.

2018-11-28 19:19:08 UTC  

We've seen the same effect in oil, steel, and textiles along with other industries and they have a bust after a long boom.

2018-11-28 19:19:13 UTC  

i revoke your permission to use business jargon

2018-11-28 19:19:23 UTC  

This is just happening to video games as since the post 80s crash, it's been nothing but, growth.

2018-11-28 19:19:29 UTC  

It's a newer industry, ala wild west for finance.

2018-11-28 19:19:44 UTC  

None of that is jargon.

2018-11-28 19:20:08 UTC  

growth is the opposite of what we are seeing in the game industry, what's "ruining" it

2018-11-28 19:20:14 UTC  

Yes and no.

2018-11-28 19:20:22 UTC  

You're looking at this year alone, the start of the decline.

2018-11-28 19:20:28 UTC  

If you view say, EA's stock since 2014 to now.

2018-11-28 19:20:36 UTC  

It has jumped from 14 at opening to 87 at peak. This is due to shareholders pushing for growth every year.

2018-11-28 19:20:41 UTC  

And now has crashed to 50ish

2018-11-28 19:20:48 UTC  

growth would be focusing on interesting new ip's, development of interesting new concepts, risk taking behavior

2018-11-28 19:21:00 UTC  

No, you're thinking company growth. You're focusing on this at a company level, not an Econ level.

2018-11-28 19:21:06 UTC  

I am discussing stock growth/industry growth. Video games aren't a special industry. It's the latest one they're going to push for constant *financial* growth in, until they kill the golden goose that lays the eggs.

2018-11-28 19:22:07 UTC  

You are thinking IP, Product development, and franchising.

2018-11-28 19:22:58 UTC  

growth isnt about maintaining the status quote, and cutting back on development to rehash the same concepts every year

2018-11-28 19:23:19 UTC  

if you mean growth by seeking profits, guess what, every company is gonna do that every year

2018-11-28 19:24:09 UTC  

Yes financial/industry wide levels of growth ie industry profit levels

2018-11-28 19:24:19 UTC  


2018-11-28 19:24:22 UTC  

Not franchise, IP or company growth

2018-11-28 19:25:21 UTC  

@FUGUBARAKUN Help a nig out, you're in business too.

2018-11-28 19:26:41 UTC  

i independently invest, have upwards of $75k in stocks

2018-11-28 19:26:46 UTC  

are those my qualifcations?

2018-11-28 19:27:15 UTC  

no, i just explain how you are wrong, rather than appealing to authority

2018-11-28 19:27:26 UTC  

Yeah and I've got several business degrees, your point? You are looking at this from a company level and I am talking about the entire industry wide growth. You can't seem to distinguish that growth doesn't just apply to strictly one company's profits/IPs/Assets. There is such a thing as the *entire* industry said company is in, facing growth or decline.

2018-11-28 19:27:39 UTC  

It's a pattern seen in all other industries, why the absolute fuck would video games be an exception? No one cares you day trade.

2018-11-28 19:29:28 UTC  

here's my dick, lets see your degrees

2018-11-28 19:30:13 UTC  

get outa here

2018-11-28 19:30:38 UTC  

Ooh so you got a portfolio

2018-11-28 19:30:46 UTC  

Fucking new guys.

2018-11-28 19:30:52 UTC  

weird flex but ok

2018-11-28 19:31:03 UTC  

you can put your dick away now

2018-11-28 19:31:32 UTC  

Is IB good? I've been looking at it

2018-11-28 19:31:41 UTC  


2018-11-28 19:31:53 UTC  

Time to pull 30k out of *Acorns*

2018-11-28 19:31:59 UTC  

Fuckin acorns lol

2018-11-28 19:34:12 UTC  

IB is pretty dang good, upwards of 50k cash in your portfolio and you have options to allow them to lend out your shares to accrue a modest amount of interest

2018-11-28 19:34:38 UTC  

very low commission to execute trades

2018-11-28 19:34:40 UTC  

no qualms