Message from @Daddy

Discord ID: 686437659358396441

2020-03-09 04:56:13 UTC  

Panama Canal

2020-03-09 04:56:15 UTC  

no wonder their pop is collapsing

2020-03-09 04:56:16 UTC  


2020-03-09 04:56:21 UTC  

That's a fair point

2020-03-09 04:56:21 UTC  

Erie Canal system

2020-03-09 04:56:23 UTC  

also indestructable passports

2020-03-09 04:56:27 UTC  

The WTC didn’t seem too sturdy

2020-03-09 04:56:30 UTC  

they must have super selected for autism these last decades

2020-03-09 04:56:32 UTC  

The monumental architecture of America is the skyscraper

2020-03-09 04:56:43 UTC  

It's a fairer comparison to cathedrals and pyramids

2020-03-09 04:56:50 UTC  


2020-03-09 04:56:57 UTC  

the jewscraper

2020-03-09 04:57:01 UTC  

The space shuttle as well

2020-03-09 04:57:11 UTC  

jewscrapers are effective use of space ok goy

2020-03-09 04:57:19 UTC  

pyramids are mostly solid so waste

2020-03-09 04:57:23 UTC  

Suspension bridges

2020-03-09 04:57:25 UTC  

cathedrals only have 1 floor

2020-03-09 04:57:27 UTC  

so also waste

2020-03-09 04:57:31 UTC  


2020-03-09 04:57:48 UTC  

rise the GDP

2020-03-09 04:58:11 UTC  

Most of the civil engineering wonders of the world are in the Western Hemisphere

2020-03-09 04:58:28 UTC  

Invariably designed by yanks

2020-03-09 04:58:29 UTC  

Its newland

2020-03-09 04:58:36 UTC  

lots of places for jewscrapers

2020-03-09 04:59:02 UTC  

the euros and the other older civilizations dont wanna give up their lil buildings

2020-03-09 04:59:03 UTC  

Civil engineers admittedly get all the glory of civilizations past

2020-03-09 04:59:12 UTC  

We leave everything behind

2020-03-09 04:59:38 UTC  

Ancient temples were built to reflect the order and measure of the cosmos and unite the starry heavens with human life on Earth

2020-03-09 04:59:49 UTC  

Cathedrals were built for their special acoustics and resonance in church choral music

2020-03-09 04:59:55 UTC  

And skyscrapers are built, why?

2020-03-09 04:59:59 UTC  


2020-03-09 05:00:06 UTC  


2020-03-09 05:00:06 UTC  

efficient use of space

2020-03-09 05:00:12 UTC  

Gratify human achievement as well

2020-03-09 05:00:14 UTC  

Most efficient use of space

2020-03-09 05:00:15 UTC  

land is expensive

2020-03-09 05:00:17 UTC  

Most utility

2020-03-09 05:00:18 UTC  


2020-03-09 05:00:30 UTC  

People feel powerful when they work at the top level of a skyscraper

2020-03-09 05:00:31 UTC  

when u buy land, u kinda buy all the air space above it

2020-03-09 05:00:33 UTC  

Most money squeezed out of the people who work there