Message from @Agent Smith
Discord ID: 680192876138856460
Telling me to drink beer, go fuck yourself.
I'm going straight for the whiskey tonight.
Good that’s for even cooler kids
Whelp... looks like I'm off to the store for some grain alcohol.
That, and all other stronger alcohol, is strictly only for the coolest of cool guys. Even mouthwash.
Well... I'd never really considered black tar heroin before...
Guess there's a first time for everything.
Oh lord.
Wow... tricking me into trying heroin...
You're more cruel than I could have imagined...
Living a pure, healthy, straight-edge life free of psychoactive drugs is so lame Kevin, you shouldn’t do it
This is truly vile
>free of drugs
Got it. I will not live and continue doing psychoactives.
I don’t think you got it
She needs patrolling
RWDS activate
@Dan V hopefully the judge takes her license and the Prof fails her
Hopefully she gets anal cancer
anal cancer takes to long. Imagine the damage she will do in the meantime
When the nickel slips between the floorboards.
So what happened to your grandson uninstalling Discord...?
Minecraft's animals don't have gender specifically.
It's impossible for them to be trans.
so they're agender?
@Unironic Ohio Supremecist this is a memes page. go be a dramatic chatty faggot in another text channel
No one is questioning your right to post memes. We are questioning the quality of your shit tier boomer memes.
>be lolberg
>call others faggot
🤣 🤣 🤣
didnt listen? pictures page. you fill this page up with shit no one cares about, then get triggered about everything