Message from @⥌鬼気⥍
Discord ID: 678691731088211998
>1 woman has an adverse reaction to the pill
well there is evidence pointing towards women being more off-kilter etc because of these pills, because of the low threshold that pills had to pass back when birth control pills etc were invented (it just had to fulfill its intented function, no real care for sideeffects), i really want all this birth control stuff to undergo proper clinical trials, testing for just how much weirder woman act under the influence of them
there is evidence for shit ones, which is why they aren't widely used. Some women have bad reactions with some pills, they usually swap to another one and have no issues
this is a nothing burger
Birth control pills are bad for woman if they ever want to have children.
Yeah, this event is probably a one-off
But, in general, women should not be on birth control
@Dan V
Women should be in cages, cuck.
How drunk are you right now?
Not enough.
Is that why you're cranky?
Lol. Probably.
So eugenics would work, because the goal is to create a compliant underclass and not ubermensch
@The Roman Emperor that was disappointing
eugenics is about controlling evolution, if you kill the ones with the traits you don't want them to have, new generations will not have such traits.
There's simply no way to believe in evolution and say "eugenics doesn't work"
that said, whether that would be something for the gov to do, or how to apply it, or even if humans should do it. That is a totally different topic
@⥌鬼気⥍ He is cucking so he doesn't get kicked from patreon, again
He is equating eugenics to just a government policy.
There are ways to guide these things without killing people.
with invitro etc even more so
Honestly, the best eugenics program would probably just be a government dating program tbqh
if you wanted to go that sort of route
@The Roman Emperor I don't think he's cucking
One of the few times I agree with him
Who would run a eugenics program... the government...
so with most western governments they're already doing it in a soft way, burdening whites with school debt and high taxes
giving freebies to the POCs
imagine who'd they'd sterilize if they could as things are....
He's not saying it wouldn't work... he's saying it'd work to get the Government what it wants, not what's best for human flourishing... God, having to defend Molymeme
I feel sick 🤢
>muh big gubmint
Enjoy the jackboots on your neck, lolberg
We have dysgenics in the west
We import and subsidize as many dead end retards as we can
That's true