Message from @Lancelot
Discord ID: 540996174409367562
@everyone Venezuela memes
Q posted about RBG
make RBG memes
We just did RBG memes
well done then, but we need more memes based on what Q said on this post I've presented
meme her ideas
Q posted today after 18 days of silence.
Last post before going dark?
Re: [PP]?
What events followed that post?
Anons understand.
Planned Parenthood..RBGs bread and butter. Will be going bye bye..soon
You guys win... how about planned parenthood memes?
Qanons always win
Lindsey Graham 2.0 memes are good too
How about the execution of Sen. MCCAIN..another idea
she wants: ```sex integration in prisons (rejection of single sex prison), at scouts (Boy Scouts and GIrl Scouts, bc "sex stereotype"), at college, is against laws against prostitution, wants to criminalize fighting pedophilia and human trafficking, rejection of combat or draft exemptions for women, censor "sexist" words such as man, woman, manmade, mankind, husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, serviceman, longshoreman, postmaster, watchman, seamanship, and โto manโ, wants to use of "gendered" pronouns (male and female pronouns), agrees with taxpayer funded abortion, etc etc etc```
meme all in the box, a cartoon about her world, an Utopia for pedophiles and a Dystopia for virtuous humans.
Hereโs some of my favourites that I created
Nice Barb. ๐๐๐
I like that bread line one @BaRbArIaN
Me too. Found it.
@everyone happy Groundhog Day is spring coming? Memewar Groundhog Day