Message from @Avald

Discord ID: 684841897822257224

2020-03-04 12:22:58 UTC  

And in the contract it says we cant bike or drive

2020-03-04 12:23:21 UTC  

I'm goofing on you fam.

2020-03-04 12:23:30 UTC  

But i am poor

2020-03-04 12:23:36 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:24:15 UTC  

Lol. It's different there too.

2020-03-04 12:25:33 UTC  

Euros will always bash America's public transport. They don't seem to get that in the states public transportation is basically just a nigger delivery system.

2020-03-04 12:26:07 UTC  

And/or place for the homeless to urinate.

2020-03-04 12:26:15 UTC  

Ya the trains here are for sure something insane

2020-03-04 14:52:35 UTC  

its not just that, there is also scale to be thought about, lets not forget that all the public transports here in europe are running at a loss, and in the US they would run at a 100x loss simply because everything is so far apart, your next door village isn't just 15 km or less away, its a 100+ km away in the usual case, although the closer you are to one of the large cities, the less that becomes the case, which is why you will see some public transport in those cases

2020-03-04 15:04:09 UTC  

All true. But niggers ruin everything fits the narrative better.

2020-03-04 16:02:43 UTC  

Coronavirus is a hoax. 5G is the real weapon to get you to take the vaccine

2020-03-04 16:02:49 UTC  

Please watch and share video

2020-03-04 16:24:56 UTC  

Take your meds, schizo.

2020-03-04 19:09:01 UTC  

seeing how fast Castreau is inviting the Chinese invented 5G into my country, this guy probably has a point

2020-03-04 19:13:07 UTC  

i wouldn't care about who invented it, i would rather care who is manufacturing it, and so many countries are going for huwei manufactured stuff, just brain dead people in charge everywhere

2020-03-04 19:13:20 UTC  

"non security critical systems only" 🤣

2020-03-04 19:14:36 UTC  

its not like everything from the growing IoT market will go through the 5g network /s

2020-03-04 19:15:12 UTC  

from traffic lights, to automated car data, to whatever else someone can invent that requires huge loads of data constantly

2020-03-04 19:17:12 UTC  

but sure, in some military base they won't use huwei parts xD xD, but everything else that is required for the normal functioning of today's society, is somehow not security relevant

2020-03-04 19:22:05 UTC  

The virus is airborne. You got it or will get it. Period.

2020-03-04 19:25:31 UTC  


2020-03-04 19:25:40 UTC  

I sure hope so.

2020-03-04 19:25:55 UTC  

Take me away, sweet Coronachan.

2020-03-04 20:52:57 UTC  

I ironically voted for Bernie yesterday

2020-03-04 20:53:37 UTC  

I ironically ran over a bunch of kids with my car yesterday

2020-03-04 20:53:45 UTC  

The irony!

2020-03-04 20:53:46 UTC  

don't worry I told the police it was just an ironic joke

2020-03-04 20:54:15 UTC  

I’ll maga in the general

2020-03-04 20:54:27 UTC  

Just wanted to stir the pot

2020-03-04 20:56:38 UTC  

The pandemic has been doubling weekly. That means the total number multiplied by two, each week. Also, watch out for secondary infection. Eat more garlic. Drink more water. Google natural remedies. Spread the word.

2020-03-04 20:57:06 UTC  

Soon we can all embrace corona chan

2020-03-04 20:57:48 UTC  

Don't worry I've got a year's supply of the military surplus Garlic rations they have for the Vampire wars

2020-03-04 20:59:16 UTC  

Did you really need to define "double"...?

2020-03-04 20:59:58 UTC  

He's defining it based on how there were 12 people and 2 deaths and now 3 deaths and 83 cases in Washington

2020-03-04 21:00:00 UTC  

that's double

2020-03-04 21:01:02 UTC  

Certainly can't argue with that.

2020-03-04 21:01:19 UTC  

Mini Mike is out so we're down to Biden Warren and Bernie (and I'm pretty sure Tulsi hasn't dropped out yet)

2020-03-04 21:01:41 UTC  

WHo cares

2020-03-04 21:01:47 UTC  

Nobody cares