Message from @IncelSerf

Discord ID: 683009648856399908

2020-02-28 17:51:28 UTC  

Being against pedophilia is inherently anti-semetic. The ADL told me so

2020-02-28 17:51:47 UTC  

The fascist US will be lolfuel

2020-02-28 17:51:57 UTC  

Too bad they will kill me

2020-02-28 17:52:30 UTC  

It will be fun to watch mass shootings basically every dat

2020-02-28 17:53:41 UTC  

I want Global Thermonuclear war

2020-02-28 17:53:47 UTC  

Best outcome tbh

2020-02-28 17:53:55 UTC  

Fascist US will replace red and white steipedls with rainbow

2020-02-28 17:54:06 UTC  

All the little ants getting wiped out

2020-02-28 17:54:17 UTC  

This virus is kinda hype

2020-02-28 17:54:28 UTC  

I'm afraid its not gonna be big enough

2020-02-28 17:55:00 UTC  

fascism = the Left to you guys?

2020-02-28 17:55:07 UTC  


2020-02-28 17:55:15 UTC  

Leftists become fascists

2020-02-28 17:55:20 UTC  

how so

2020-02-28 17:55:30 UTC  

After their civilizations start to fail

2020-02-28 17:55:47 UTC  

The Soviets put people in camps

2020-02-28 17:55:53 UTC  

Wdym how so?

2020-02-28 17:56:01 UTC  

they weren't really Left though, at that point

2020-02-28 17:56:07 UTC  

the USSR was left for like... 2 days when it started

2020-02-28 17:56:18 UTC  

Yeah because leftists policies are garbage

2020-02-28 17:56:29 UTC  

So they went slav fash

2020-02-28 17:56:38 UTC  

they went right-wing authoritarian

2020-02-28 17:56:57 UTC  

No one was working because why would you work under communism

2020-02-28 17:57:07 UTC  

So they put them in work camps

2020-02-28 17:57:18 UTC  


2020-02-28 17:57:36 UTC  

`a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition`

2020-02-28 17:57:40 UTC  

that's the definition of fascism

2020-02-28 17:57:51 UTC  

The Chinese are putting ethnic minorities in camps

2020-02-28 17:57:58 UTC  

the chinese aren't Left though

2020-02-28 17:58:04 UTC  

they're right-wing authoritarian

2020-02-28 17:58:07 UTC  

Yeah they abandoned it

2020-02-28 17:58:14 UTC  

Because it doesn't work

2020-02-28 17:58:21 UTC  

they use some leftist policies, but they aren't Left-Wing

2020-02-28 17:58:36 UTC  

Yeah because it's autisticall6 bad

2020-02-28 17:58:38 UTC  

i'm not even sure that they use leftist policies actually

2020-02-28 17:58:52 UTC  

Leftism = nonsense

2020-02-28 17:59:03 UTC  

Leftism = power to working class

2020-02-28 17:59:07 UTC  

and equality

2020-02-28 17:59:26 UTC  

that's why Tankies aren't really leftists, they are authoritarians

2020-02-28 17:59:38 UTC  

they are economically Left, but they are socially Right

2020-02-28 17:59:43 UTC  

tankies are the only perhaps semi based leftists