Message from @realDimitra
Discord ID: 539659193989464095
If I am going to model a space ship, there’s only one choice!
Some weak sauce bandwidth @BaRbArIaN
of course he doesn't like trump, but he likes the drug cartels. i mean, in general I believe drugs should be legalised...and so the gangs have to be dealt with before that can happen. illiterate violent thugs don't know how to run a business anyway.
hey I don't always write 'em, was a chuckle.
were you talking to me, hun? @BaRbArIaN
I thought the bandwidth thing was amusing. Your mileage may vary.
@Weissest Nice meme!
All of my memes are nice
@Weissest since I'm not a techie, is there a way I can copy this one? An easy way?
Ya just open it in the browser
Right click
Save as
OK, but MacBooks don't have right-click
Why do you have a MacBook?
because it's easier for a non-tech girl like me
I've never heard of anything so absurd.
without Macs I would never have written books. The OS system is incredibly easy for certain things
like, whenever I look at windows, I feel that it takes so many more steps to do what I can do with only 1 step. @Weissest