Message from @desperado

Discord ID: 501752159252250644

2018-10-16 13:18:09 UTC  

@alacrity1 could you please deal with this moron my friend?

2018-10-16 13:18:26 UTC  

I doubt he even knew what Singapore is before I said it

2018-10-16 13:19:42 UTC  

this nonsense has come too far to be stopped with pure force

2018-10-16 13:25:50 UTC  

@Cyb3r Ninja™ they need to be exposed every day

2018-10-16 13:26:24 UTC  

Why would a pedophile go to Singapore to escape US law enforcement? Singapore doesn’t tolerate pedophilia- it’s more socially conservative than the US. The reason is that SG has an extradition treaty with the US that the US State Department decries as “outdated”, specifically on the issue of so-called money laundering. In the US one may be charged with money laundering just by innocently arranging transactions to avoid taxes, or having a financial account that provides leverage in excess of what is proscribed by Dodd-Frank

2018-10-16 13:27:45 UTC  

@alacrity1 because they think they will not be caught

2018-10-16 13:28:57 UTC  

singapor may not tolerate it but it goes on every day in singapor

2018-10-16 13:29:04 UTC  

If they update the treaty to include pedophilia or whatever the US will demand that they throw many other non-crimes in as well. Money laundering is mostly a bullshit offense that gives the government power to intrude into our private lives

2018-10-16 13:30:41 UTC  

so Money laundering is mostly a bullshit offense , u r delusional 😜

2018-10-16 13:32:52 UTC  

so u think money laundering is ok

2018-10-16 13:33:47 UTC  

Let’s say you make two transactions of 7500 each. This could be construed as money laundering since you didn’t provide the bank with documentation required for transactions over $10k

2018-10-16 13:34:24 UTC  

But why should transactions over $10k require such documentation in the first place?

2018-10-16 13:36:41 UTC  

I don't think transactions over $10k should require such documentation

2018-10-16 13:37:10 UTC  

What business is it of the government if I have a bank account in Singapore, Australia, or Liechtenstein? I mean, why is the presumption be that I’m trying to avoid taxes and I have to prove otherwise?

2018-10-16 13:37:50 UTC  

money laundering is a serious problem

2018-10-16 13:38:30 UTC  

This is the sort of crap that the govt considers money laundering. It’s oppressive to ordinary people that just want freedom and privacy

2018-10-16 13:39:51 UTC  

freedom and privacy from what?

2018-10-16 13:40:40 UTC  

The government, Facebook, Google, whoever. Yes it is a problem. Is the solution to give up our privacy and freedom so the govt can

2018-10-16 13:41:02 UTC  

“Solve” the problem for us?

2018-10-16 13:42:57 UTC  

Look at how the FBI misused its power to prevent PDJT from becoming President. Why wouldn’t they be similarly abusive of their power with me and you?

2018-10-16 13:43:56 UTC  

ur suggestions on combatting

2018-10-16 13:45:39 UTC  

i agree the FBI and DOJ top officials did just that under the obama admin and they need to be held accountable

2018-10-16 13:48:53 UTC  

the top brass at the FBI and DOJ r traitors

2018-10-16 13:54:13 UTC  

and will be dealt with soon

2018-10-16 14:00:18 UTC  

There's a balance between freedom and security. The streets would be safer if there were an 11 PM curfew for everyone, and if we were all required to wear helmets. This is an absurd example but to bring it back to the original point, I think Singapore is closer to the proper balance than the US on economic freedom. I can't speak to the issue of pedophilia in SG; I haven't looked into this at all.

2018-10-16 14:04:00 UTC  

so you would give up freedom for security, if so u deserve niether

2018-10-16 14:05:13 UTC  

just the opposite. Singapore is more free than the US economically. Much freer.

2018-10-16 14:05:35 UTC  

thats bullshit

2018-10-16 14:06:05 UTC  

if so why don't u move to singapor

2018-10-16 14:06:41 UTC  

i have a bank account there

2018-10-16 14:07:22 UTC  

but NYC is home, and it's a more fun place to live than singapore, despite being a liberal shithole in many ways

2018-10-16 14:08:49 UTC  

In my SG bank account, I can move money between 12 currencies instantly, buy gold & silver on leverage, etc. Just an ordinary bank account

2018-10-16 14:17:15 UTC  

so what do u think caused the ratings for the USA? it was liberalism

2018-10-16 14:18:36 UTC  

Exactly. RINOs like McCain, Paul Oxley (of Sarbanes-Oxley fame) and even GWB going along with it

2018-10-16 14:19:37 UTC  

NYC run by liberals is why it is a shithole just like Chicago and LA and every where liberals r in charge

2018-10-16 14:20:50 UTC  

Yes, and they are worse than liberals here. They are progressives/communists

2018-10-16 14:21:21 UTC  

I live in Pa where liberals r turning it into a shithole

2018-10-16 14:21:31 UTC  

They don't hide it either. It's right out in the open.

2018-10-16 14:22:01 UTC  

Fortunately, it is pushing the right into forming its own countercultre

2018-10-16 14:22:09 UTC  

and NYC mayor comrade Deblasio is a commie