Message from @alt
Discord ID: 510564909247889419
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America should pull out of middle east and europe and focus on its own borders instead. NATO is like the EU, it has to go.
I agree 100%
We need to pull out of NATO and the UN imo
Trump needs to signal more towards non-interventionism in the middle east for 2020 now that the CIA can't fund ISIS anymore.
We have spent trillions of dollars overseas for nothing
Now that the clowns have been cut off we need to get out
Check out @parscale’s Tweet:
@alt and u need to worry about ur country getting overun by ragheads
no u
Hey @desperado
Sweden is the rape capitol of the world and u r trying to tell us what we should do @alt Fuck Off
when the ragheads take over Sweeden u better watch out for ur head
what do you call a qp w cheese in paris
allahu ahkbar
I just thought of something. Classical Liberalism, while noble, allows the Far-left to get into power all over again. How can we prevent this?
With nationalism
Didn't nationalism come out of classical liberalism though?
No, nationalism came out of imperialism. the first empires in Europe, like the German empire, for example. Liberalism came out of pacifism which came from "internationalism" and communism
Ahhh, yes. Communism in turn coming from the Paris Commune and Karl Marx. It's a very insidious history indeed
I love it, always have. On Nationalism, I am a master, after countless years of study. Sparta was nationalist. Each state in ancient Greece was nationalist. Hitler was "NATIONALSOZIALIST" meaning national-socialist. Even the dictionaries have been changed after WWII to equate nationalism with national-socialism. We have been lied to ever since, as far as history goes. So much about WWII doesn't sit well with me. And the current state of affairs confirms that the alliances that formed after the war were all shit.
The west must do now, what it should have done in 1945. Do you understand what I am saying?
Ever heard of the Frankfurt school of Critical Theory?
America hasn't been the same since.
I grew up in Germany. I got fed a lot of lies, however they never sat well with me.
Mind if I ask, since you grew up in Germany, what are your opinions on The Kaiser?
we had a lot of kaisers. wilhelm, karl, which one?
I guess I mean the Empire in general.
The Monarchy if you will
Nationalism came from the creation of the nation states we see today
hahaha, well, people created unbelievable architecture, art, music, poetry, etc. all these would not have existed without the aristocrats. they paid for it. people truly lived good lives then. it is reflected in all their literature. pick up some GOETHE, and read it in English, and you will see. Or listen to Wagner. Who today can create anything close to that?