Message from @Violet
Discord ID: 517051822859616256
Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are Social Democrats, Joe Manchin, Joe Donnelly and a few others are more or less just Conservatives who happen to be within the DNC
this server reminds me of this song
between cities at the moment
what country
Brian Eno, never heard of him this is real music
American Music Bread and Born
My dad is a fan of Krauss
I like it
GM should be run democratically by its employees, not by a corporate leadership
What is your guys's definition of socialism?
Do you want the american definition or the european definition
Both is fine
I just want to know how this group percieves of certain things
It is 10°F here
What do you guys think of Theodore Roosevelt?
General Motors BTFO
so, is this doodle contest supposed to have Google spelled out or MAGA? hard to tell.