Message from @PitoStinko
Discord ID: 525852545210646548
these fuckin judges need to be deported
Sacha Baron Cohen Unwittingly Exposed Elite Pedo Ring in Las Vegas
You want to take these ppl down without a Wild West situation? Start doing everything you can to wake even your most liberal friends up.
This is only way to draw an alliance that we can only hope to avoid major conflict on US soil.
Remember. Mike Flynn Jr. was Tweeting about Pizzagate and, so was Eric Trump.
Soon after, James Alefantis moved to sue Alex Jones for “harassment.”
How does a pizza shop owner end up on DC’s most 50 influential ppl’s list?
By acting as fkn Molech to the DC/HollyWood elite. It’s the sickest thing in the world.
Is an oreo a cookie or a sandwhich
<:arrowup:381061979537670146> Dick Head
why is no one talking about the Ginsburg surgery
I don’t we’ve been good enough for Pepe to bless us with another justice
She will hold out
And Hillary will elect some left wing radical to the stop
And the dumb republicans in the senate will vote her in
It’s funny. According to CNN her health is fine. Can you imagine if Trump had to get surgery to remove cancer rip crtv
These scumbags need to be eliminated <:arrowup:381061979537670146>
You’re alittle late to the party, it’s believed people used Russian-like bot tactics to help Doug Jones win. Jones has already called for a federal investigation into it
Also, I hope you guys in the echo chamber don’t automatically assume it’s only democrats/left wing who do it, both sides do. A Republican operative hired people to take voting ballots from people in north (or south) Carolina in order to ensure the victory of the Republican candidate
Because this discord server definitely seems like a conservative safe space and echo chamber
MUST WATCH Retired Gen Michael Flynn, we have an army of digital soldiers
Dunno if this is true but thats so fucked up
About to watch tucker carlson speak
Fellas I just discovered I'm .6% black, if Elizabeth Warren gets to be native American does that mean I can say the n word?
@Memphis only out in public
Oooo can do.