Message from @MzSanaa

Discord ID: 414353122794799114

2018-02-17 09:13:04 UTC  

Break the mind...then reprogram it

2018-02-17 09:15:09 UTC  

@SRVN Im to far gone... Doing research on trumps uncle and tesla... my spiddy sense is going off

2018-02-17 09:15:35 UTC  

2018-02-17 09:15:43 UTC  

If you do nothing else, at least take a Vitamin D3 supplement to counteract what they are to you.

2018-02-17 09:15:59 UTC  


2018-02-17 09:17:24 UTC  

@thoughtboss Researching Tesla/Trump connection is imperative. Great job.

2018-02-17 09:18:39 UTC  

just got done with a little Jesuit war room, Nazi Pentagon/OSS............. Getting All Rainman and stuff this morning

2018-02-17 09:19:30 UTC  

The bulk of Tesla’s papers and notes about 90% were missing when he died. FBI tried unsuccessfully several times to find them.

2018-02-17 09:20:16 UTC  

I wounder where they are? hehehehehehe

2018-02-17 09:20:52 UTC  

Interesting. It’s mind boggling how all this stuff interconnects and was linked up.

2018-02-17 09:21:28 UTC  

Did you know that Trump predicted 9/11 before it happened? Because i did not

2018-02-17 09:22:14 UTC  

YES!!!! Mr_White gave me a link to the map...and its been all down hill since

2018-02-17 09:22:24 UTC  

I’d bet you a big YUGELY cup of coffee we may know who has them. It’s called “leverage”. Remember that word in several Q msgs? I thought so. Not the leverage most thought about.

2018-02-17 09:23:10 UTC  

OMG! This is soooooooooo much fun to my brain

2018-02-17 09:23:37 UTC  

Yeah. I love those “Oh Shit” moments ...

2018-02-17 09:26:35 UTC  

and all the sick damm human trafficking stuff world wide!! Before I downed a whole bottle of red pills, I never thought it was possible....... The darkness and all those poor children!!! Karma is a bitch..... and redemtion is here

2018-02-17 09:28:09 UTC  

If “they” ever wished harm upon themselves, they’d be safer with Satin. I can’t think of a Mother or Father that isn’t gonna get them all.

2018-02-17 09:28:50 UTC  

I may not be Q.... But I will drag every little bit of info i can find to the light

2018-02-17 09:29:48 UTC  

You are sooooo correct!!! I am a father and it makes me hurt inside

2018-02-17 09:30:02 UTC  

Good for you. You’re another “Hero”. We need all of you we can get to keep going and learn and expose more.

2018-02-17 09:31:22 UTC  

The media is trying their best to discredit men because they know how powerful you can be if on the right side! Glad to see real men still exist.......

2018-02-17 09:32:09 UTC  

We are all one at some level....... The evil that walks along side us has tried so hard to blind us to that fact

2018-02-17 09:32:22 UTC  

Superman don’t wear the cape in this world, anymore. Staying up late, coffee and cigarettes galore, unshowered, no sleep for days, tracking down all this stuff and helping others to see the “real” world these “so called elites” gave us.

2018-02-17 09:33:02 UTC  

Q said... We all have more than we it

2018-02-17 09:34:52 UTC  

I don't know about you guys... I feel different. There is a shift taking place

2018-02-17 09:35:12 UTC  

I cracked up tonight when a woman stated that the Internet hadn’t been invented in 1991. If she only knew what the ARPANET was ... the secrets that were passed from university to university, financed by the elites and governments. And only for them to see ... Or so they thought. Lol

2018-02-17 09:36:04 UTC  

I like the way you think Guardian!!!

2018-02-17 09:37:25 UTC  

You might also check out good old Henry Ford and his factories in Nazi Germany, the medal Hitler gave him and how he sued the USG for his destroyed factories and got paid for them.

2018-02-17 09:38:12 UTC  

LMAO...Adding it to my list

2018-02-17 09:38:55 UTC  

Okay. Cool. When you’re done with that, I’ll give you more.

2018-02-17 09:38:56 UTC  

Hugo Boss made the Nazi SS Uniforms!

2018-02-17 09:39:14 UTC  

Yes, Sir. He did. Imagine that.

2018-02-17 09:39:44 UTC  

I would say its crazy......... NOT ANY MORE!!

2018-02-17 09:40:59 UTC  

Are you starting to see the BIG PICTURE NOW. The only difference is, the elite and powerful have not moved forward with the high tech they use on us. They’re still stuck running football plays from a 100 year old book.

2018-02-17 09:41:44 UTC  

Open minded humans are really good at noticing patterns........ I looked at that map for the first time today and things where just jumping of the page like a movie....never happend to me before

2018-02-17 09:42:32 UTC  

The one flaw that will be there undoing

2018-02-17 09:42:47 UTC  

Awesome for you. Fuel for your brain. The more fuel, the more the neuron receptors excite. You can actually raise IQ that way.

2018-02-17 09:43:04 UTC  

Guardian.....what do you mean....what about space x

2018-02-17 09:43:42 UTC  

Neurons that fire together...Wire together

2018-02-17 09:44:19 UTC  

Elon Musk couldn’t tie his shoes. He’s a product of a book.

2018-02-17 09:45:31 UTC  

All Space X technology is invented by those he hires.