Message from @K3

Discord ID: 656547001592184832

2019-12-17 13:54:55 UTC  

His stream last night was perfect

2019-12-17 13:55:19 UTC  

Got to the point about (((mass immigration))) and what it means for the future

2019-12-17 14:01:59 UTC
basically he deconstructed the boomer argument of "i dont mind no foreginers as long as they come legally!!"

2019-12-17 14:02:36 UTC  

there is not a single nonwhite immigrant group that is more conservative than liberal

2019-12-17 14:03:01 UTC  

and they dont support shit like 2nd amendment, free speech etc.

2019-12-17 14:03:26 UTC  

basically if immigration isnt curtailed the US may be looking like South Africa in 30 years

2019-12-17 14:03:42 UTC  

with whites getting the same treatment here as they do there

2019-12-17 14:04:11 UTC  

blackpilled but also the best way ive heard it explained

2019-12-17 14:31:26 UTC  

this is not news

2019-12-17 14:31:36 UTC  

everybody here knows this

2019-12-17 14:32:47 UTC  

@Dulcedo lurk moar faggot

2019-12-17 14:42:34 UTC

2019-12-17 14:56:00 UTC  

Yeah welcome to the 21st century buddy this isn't new. Can't be blamed for not knowing though, the left wants to keep you ignorant

2019-12-17 14:56:09 UTC  

Fuentes is OK but I prefer JFG

2019-12-17 14:57:07 UTC  

Very intelligent man. I'm hoping he moves off YouTube soon so he will stop self censoring so much

2019-12-17 16:07:11 UTC  

nicks more energetic and memey than jfg but he is smart also

2019-12-17 17:11:41 UTC  

nick is a faggot

2019-12-17 17:14:36 UTC

2019-12-17 17:14:56 UTC  


2019-12-17 17:15:28 UTC

2019-12-17 17:23:23 UTC  

@Alchemeister government size is irrelevant tho, it only matters if its corrupted or not. also nick likes to joke around clearly that last part is memes.

2019-12-17 17:23:37 UTC

2019-12-17 17:23:52 UTC  

he is a faggot

2019-12-17 17:23:57 UTC  


2019-12-17 17:24:11 UTC  

Look at these sorry suckers, these are the types that would be deciding what's fair and necessary when it comes to social welfare for citizens of the US.

2019-12-17 17:24:18 UTC  

>joke around
>lol im not a faggot bro

2019-12-17 17:24:27 UTC  


2019-12-17 17:24:33 UTC  

and yes government size matters

2019-12-17 17:25:38 UTC

2019-12-17 17:25:48 UTC  


2019-12-17 17:26:16 UTC  

if you hate guns and love government youre not american

2019-12-17 17:27:21 UTC  

ha ha! we have the greatest corporations in the world, compartmentalized for the most part, best workers thriving in a macro managing environment in most cases, but lets run our country as a central planned obtuse lethargic idiot

2019-12-17 18:00:20 UTC  

not a conservative, also i dont wanna listen to a literal faggot

2019-12-17 18:00:31 UTC  

mommies milkers bro

2019-12-17 18:03:25 UTC  

@Alchemeister interests > size

2019-12-17 18:03:29 UTC  

its a lot more important

2019-12-17 18:03:41 UTC  

idc he is a fag

2019-12-17 18:03:54 UTC  

go groyp some man ass faggot

2019-12-17 18:05:30 UTC  

also go suck on your moms tit more, make sure she makes you a ba ba and powder your butt with baby powder

2019-12-17 18:05:41 UTC  

cant get diaper rash