Message from @Skivvy Waver Wife

Discord ID: 424399018408411137

2018-03-17 02:36:37 UTC  

I thought so, I found some info on that, just making sure I’m on the right track! TY

2018-03-17 02:37:06 UTC  

kind of felt like a bull's eye to me tbh ^^

2018-03-17 02:37:22 UTC  


2018-03-17 02:38:26 UTC  

i do not know about this ordinal,.. whatnot ,.. i just got some basic knowledge of numerology and was curious,.. that was just first site to come up ,..

2018-03-17 02:39:20 UTC  

and basically nazi and nato is same ,.. numerology-wise,.. is all i wanted to point out

2018-03-17 02:39:43 UTC  

Never to late too learn, I figured that out quickly!

2018-03-17 02:40:30 UTC  

so with all the american patriotism ,... plse be aware what happens over here also,.. - its the n - world order,.. not the n american order, what is building the deepstate;)

2018-03-17 02:41:15 UTC  

McCabe gone!!

2018-03-17 02:41:30 UTC

2018-03-17 02:41:49 UTC  

people her asking me, why i care so much about america,.. - i tell em it is one big story affecting us all right now,..

2018-03-17 02:42:04 UTC  

finally ^^

2018-03-17 02:42:20 UTC  

i'm from austria btw.

2018-03-17 02:42:39 UTC  

@phimonic Gotcha! I live in a tiny town in Iowa, but I understand!

2018-03-17 02:42:49 UTC  

2018-03-17 02:43:25 UTC  

it started with a single cell organism,. and so it shall end 😉

2018-03-17 02:43:45 UTC  

is why we all one,.. if we like it or not 😄

2018-03-17 02:47:27 UTC  

@jac6969, WOW...these vile creatures will stop at nothing.

2018-03-17 02:48:00 UTC  

i sometimes really no like it ,.. just ranted on facebook with roughneck SJW-propaganda poster ,.. need to calm down,.. finding peace 😄

2018-03-17 02:48:47 UTC  

@phimonic The world is in this together.

2018-03-17 02:49:58 UTC  

i love this guy ,.. he posts shit like fuck ,.. every propaganda he sends forward,.. but the visciously attacking me for spreading "dangerous racist conspiracy theories" - when i joke about obama birth certificate 😄

2018-03-17 02:50:10 UTC  

Rural Nevada here. Town full of gun packing Veteran's!

2018-03-17 02:51:02 UTC  

u might like that ^^

2018-03-17 02:53:23 UTC  

i like the idea pushing 5G to be way more dangerous than guns!

2018-03-17 02:55:14 UTC

2018-03-17 02:55:56 UTC  

had my ranting hour today ^^

2018-03-17 02:56:23 UTC  

hypocrisy makes me sick!

2018-03-17 02:58:01 UTC  

14 k empty shoes - i got to break out in tears! change the world now, while feeding on organic GMO palm oil

2018-03-17 02:58:37 UTC  

,.. i guess i got to quit social media 😄

2018-03-17 02:59:23 UTC  

but i already quit phone ! - proud of it!
no need no cell phone in an internet world,.. why?

2018-03-17 02:59:45 UTC  

2018-03-17 02:59:52 UTC  

next is bank account

2018-03-17 03:00:22 UTC  

nobody needs any of this sh...

2018-03-17 03:00:56 UTC  

I think We won a battle for truth & Liberty tonight w/ this mc cabe news! imho😉

2018-03-17 03:01:30 UTC  

we are winning with every single little shit they are censoring tbh

2018-03-17 03:02:09 UTC  

it's nothing but an admission of guilt if u ask me ^^

2018-03-17 03:02:48 UTC  

what we remember from childhood about evil NAZis - them burning books,.. no?

2018-03-17 03:03:01 UTC  


2018-03-17 03:06:21 UTC  

@phimonic Don't believe those statistics. That estimate goes back to June17 study be Pediatrics, a peer-reviewed journal. It found that 1300 children die a year in gunshot wounds. Study aged from birth to 17 yrs. This study also includes, hunting accidents, self inflicted, home shootings, drive by/ gang violence.

2018-03-17 03:07:46 UTC  

* June 17, 2007

2018-03-17 03:08:55 UTC  

Not saying it's any better of a statistic, one child is too many.