Message from @Royce the Arctic Fox

Discord ID: 675854518268854332

2020-02-08 03:06:31 UTC  


2020-02-08 03:06:43 UTC  

@yaz Get in voice

2020-02-08 03:06:49 UTC  

We will get you undefeaned

2020-02-08 03:06:50 UTC  

Thank you

2020-02-08 03:14:24 UTC

2020-02-08 03:14:57 UTC

2020-02-08 03:19:55 UTC

2020-02-08 03:26:54 UTC

2020-02-08 17:56:10 UTC

2020-02-08 17:56:19 UTC  

Buuuuut. Shootings only happen in USA........

2020-02-08 23:00:52 UTC  

You’re so dumb. You’re really dumb.

2020-02-09 00:04:33 UTC  

I shared a piece

2020-02-09 13:01:56 UTC  
2020-02-09 13:25:56 UTC  
2020-02-10 06:04:42 UTC  

Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @GratefulAsianYmmigrant!

2020-02-10 06:48:08 UTC

2020-02-10 11:18:08 UTC  
2020-02-11 02:46:04 UTC  

Just an FYI. I’m not active here too much. Mostly just twitter for social media @SleepyCatSleeps is my handle there. I go there to support DJT. There’s news coming out from several veteran groups (to which we belong) as well as other sources that the Coronavirus is worse than what is being reported. Better safe than sorry so stock up on food, water, masks, gloves and other med supplies just in case. Do not fear/panic but do prepare because it’s better to be safe than sorry. We are early enough in the outbreak to get ahead of it. Let’s make sure we are among those left standing. Reports are saying cases, particularly in China, are underreported (infected not being counted, limiting test kits, death attributed to other causes,etc.), kill ratio is higher than is being reported (2% vs up to 15%, I’ve even heard 30%) and it is airborne unlike SARS, flu, etc. This means you can catch it 6 feet away from someone infected coughing and sneezing. Incubation is being reported up to 14 days which means people with no symptoms but infected can spread the virus. Longest reported incubation period was 24 days. At the highest kill rate 15% means most infected will survive but 15% of millions that could contract it still means a lot of dead and sick people that current systems are not prepared to handle. Be safe, be prepared. This is not meant to scare anyone only so you can protect yourselves and your loved ones. I don’t know about you but I really don’t care if people laugh at me when I’m wearing a mask and gloves through the airport. Stay safe, stay well.