Message from @Nightwolf.j2

Discord ID: 429098298809253899

2018-03-30 01:55:35 UTC  

Awesome idea.... We need a room for this

2018-03-30 01:55:40 UTC  

no 5G, tell me about it

2018-03-30 01:55:43 UTC  

His microscope just showed how much of a genius he was!

2018-03-30 01:56:05 UTC  

Took the rest of the world decades juuuust to catch up to him.

2018-03-30 01:56:29 UTC  

Nightwolf have you seen Rockefeller Medicine?

2018-03-30 01:56:43 UTC  

No I haven't heard of that... o:

2018-03-30 01:56:44 UTC  

I remember my mom talking about this stuff in the 70s

2018-03-30 01:57:18 UTC  

If I remember correctly, it was because of him the Psy-op word Quack was invented.

2018-03-30 01:57:39 UTC  

Ok, basically we are living in a toxic soup of chemicals and harmful frequencies. Our immune systems are terribly compromised and most of us have parasites. An herbal parasite cleanse is something everyone should consider doing yearly.

2018-03-30 01:57:55 UTC  

Crazy that the judge died unexpectedly while at a dermatologist appt

2018-03-30 01:58:16 UTC  

Nightwolf Rockefeller Medicine is a Corbett Report documentary, def worth watching

2018-03-30 01:58:35 UTC  

What's this Judge you speak of?

2018-03-30 01:58:41 UTC  

I've read about some stuff, @5G Refugee. Was looking into it for my son who is autistic and has a lot of stomach/intestinal issues. Tried one for a while and it seemed to work, but it was expensive.

2018-03-30 01:58:50 UTC  

oh i see it

2018-03-30 01:59:29 UTC  

Interesting, I'll take a look into it. Thanks @5G Refugee :3

2018-03-30 02:00:30 UTC  

You're welcome, it's great to learn the history of our HIGHLY corrupt allopathic medical system.

2018-03-30 02:01:32 UTC  

How the heck does someone die at the dermatologist?

2018-03-30 02:02:15 UTC  

Night guys...I need some yoga and meditation and prayer.... But I've been taking notes.... And thanks.... You don't know how much it helps to talk to people who don't think you're crazy 🤗

2018-03-30 02:03:08 UTC  

we need to know how to heal our bodies from all the poison they've been filling us with.

2018-03-30 02:03:26 UTC  

Very true.

2018-03-30 02:03:33 UTC  

heavy metals, chemicals, poison

2018-03-30 02:03:48 UTC  

Frequencies, cell phones, etc. 😃

2018-03-30 02:03:52 UTC  


2018-03-30 02:04:25 UTC  

Jupiterdaisy it was a pleasure talking to you too, stay strong sister! Goodnight, ttyl

2018-03-30 02:04:31 UTC  

people used to live hundreds of years

2018-03-30 02:04:49 UTC  

I'm with you guys on all of that!

2018-03-30 02:05:08 UTC  

I would like to go back to a rotary phone, lol!

2018-03-30 02:05:14 UTC  

The book, The Body Electric was the first that really talked about it. And I learned about this which was still in the time that Cell Phones and tumors connection conspiracy.

2018-03-30 02:06:18 UTC  

Nightolf isn't it disgusting how all the truth gets labeled a conspiracy and then filed away in the trash bin?

2018-03-30 02:06:52 UTC  

Very facinating book that medical researcher even discovered that all knock-out drugs actually caused a specific electircal frequency. If you took that out into the medical profession all and I mean ALL Anestesiologists would be out of a job.

2018-03-30 02:07:07 UTC  

Agreed 5G.

2018-03-30 02:07:43 UTC  

Whoa, that's pretty wild! I have heard that the govt has the tech to put us all to sleep if they want to

2018-03-30 02:07:48 UTC  


2018-03-30 02:08:02 UTC  

Yeah he discovered it. let me link you guys the book. 😃

2018-03-30 02:08:20 UTC  

Tidesrollin I fantasize about the same thing!!!!

2018-03-30 02:08:27 UTC  

awesome, thanks

2018-03-30 02:08:49 UTC  

@Tidesrollin YES! My husband and I want to do that too! He has researched using magnets to power electric generators.

2018-03-30 02:09:10 UTC  

He is an inventor at heart

2018-03-30 02:09:24 UTC  

ooh like perpetual motion machines and attaching generators?