Message from @creepyAnon

Discord ID: 445036297526968331

2018-05-13 01:06:14 UTC  

1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation
2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion

2018-05-13 01:06:24 UTC  

he sees that as an Infection

2018-05-13 01:06:27 UTC  

and they were

2018-05-13 01:06:56 UTC  

Targeted may have been the one highlighted in the link provided

2018-05-13 01:07:00 UTC  

The people , the anons, the normies, they saw the infection and they attacked it. Like a persons antibodies attacking an infection in the body

2018-05-13 01:08:37 UTC  

now he said Time to move on again, but he did say again.. attacks will only get worse. This is why we move on but we should expect there is going to be more "Infections" that will be revealed.

2018-05-13 01:11:10 UTC  

Let's move forward but stay vigilant, profiteering will always exist and disinformation will always seep into the information flow

2018-05-13 01:13:06 UTC  


2018-05-13 01:13:09 UTC  

and when we see it

2018-05-13 01:13:11 UTC  

we attack it

2018-05-13 01:13:39 UTC  

were about halfway through hoping those april showers are going to bring some more may flowers

2018-05-13 01:14:01 UTC  


2018-05-13 01:14:24 UTC  

the April showers symbolised bombs and aircraft dropping or being dropped out of the sky

2018-05-13 01:14:40 UTC  

the only flowers involved were crushed on impact

2018-05-13 01:16:22 UTC  

the actions of the "Q" amount to 'nipping it in the bud'.Who can argue with the wisdom of that

2018-05-13 01:17:08 UTC  

no, we do not have confirmation about the effects in may that were to come. that is still being researched

2018-05-13 01:17:40 UTC  

eeeeer sure?

2018-05-13 01:19:33 UTC  

It seems you imply, well something cannot even annunciate that

2018-05-13 01:22:43 UTC  

The distortion or infiltration of the followers of Q though should not be surprising. The pattern is a lift of the template that those in the shadows use(d) to degrade our societies and cultures under the title of social engineering

2018-05-13 01:22:57 UTC  

social mangling and wrecking more like it

2018-05-13 01:35:21 UTC  

I still dont see confirmation that the "May flowers" have arrived. He did say the POPE would have a terrible May, perhaps that is part of it.

2018-05-13 01:43:35 UTC  

Oh did he mention May flowers somewhere?

2018-05-13 01:56:46 UTC  

I just tried to find may flowers referenced and I did not find anything.. @creepyAnon , I think our brains sucked up a few Anon breads

2018-05-13 01:57:21 UTC  

Because I totally thought a call out in may flowers was referenced too

2018-05-13 01:59:06 UTC  
2018-05-13 01:59:35 UTC  

I did a search of flowers in the page I have of posts of Q, and flowers is nor present on the page

2018-05-13 02:00:14 UTC  

but my mem tells me that other comments / commentators / annons used the term

2018-05-13 02:01:21 UTC  

anyway, mother's day here. there too?

2018-05-13 02:03:28 UTC  

and as for Corsi, seems to me the man deserves some sympathy. Looks like his devotion to things anti DS saw him used as a pawn and caught in the cross fire

2018-05-13 02:24:06 UTC  

Still Saturday here

2018-05-13 02:26:59 UTC  

Corsi has my sympathies as a hauman being, for being manipulated but not for his inability to be objective, decerning and humble

2018-05-13 02:29:04 UTC  

Forgive,but never forget

2018-05-13 02:41:35 UTC  

fair enough comment

2018-05-13 02:42:08 UTC  

he is 'one of us 3Ders' after all

2018-05-13 02:43:45 UTC  

I dunno in detail I never followed Corsi closely, which is itself more than co-incidence

2018-05-13 02:50:29 UTC  

you are correct there is no may flowers mentioned directly by Q

2018-05-13 02:50:34 UTC  

no mention

2018-05-13 03:30:13 UTC  

@Desimated several new q posts

2018-05-13 03:33:49 UTC  


2018-05-13 03:33:54 UTC  


2018-05-13 03:34:16 UTC  

all happening and we thought we/d have aweek-end off