Message from @HOBGOB
Discord ID: 496253668862066688
@b3 you going through all the other proofs @Quaz [USA] has put up?
Yeah. I said wink faggot
No your a troll
Your not going to find proof. Your going to find a bunch of coincidences
I think Q has been around for over a year but didn't gain a lot of attention until 7-8 months ago
If q is a larp why the coordinated effort to debunk q and to censor all those supporting the proof? If it’s all a larp it would make more sense to leave it out there and debunk
And now that you’ve asked for proofs and have been provided with it you can’t be bothered to scroll up? Hahahaha
Did you cross reference the trip codes and read the books on google books?
🥄 💩
I'm gonna need a shovel
They avoided addressing it until people saw the q supporters at rallies and then had no choice to address it. Then hundreds of articles come out saying the same thing all in the same day.
Proof < coincidence
Its all your getting
Why don’t you at least debunk all the proofs put up here in the last 5 minutes that you requested?
At least this is an awesome trip down QMemory lane tonight. I forgot about several of these.
ok no prob
Vague =coincidence
If you read the articles on debunking proof they’re filled with the same lies. Either willfully or they didn’t bother researching. How do all the news agencies coincidently run the exact same stories all at the same time? Not just q stuff but all topics? Local, national, tv, newspapers, etc. coincidence?
Quaz you’re a beast!
@LukeAG cheers
@Quaz [USA] I wouldn’t bother. Viva’s debunks: oh it’s photoshopped. Oh I don’t want to scroll up. Oh there’s too many proofs now for me to go through. I’m all for people questioning and being skeptical but viva is not willing to do so the work or even read the work you’ve done for him
Nah he needs to delete himself
Explaining shit out loud to us is a waste of your time
That's right