Message from @LukeAG

Discord ID: 511756953756893195

2018-11-13 04:05:54 UTC  

How does it stop?

2018-11-13 04:06:13 UTC  

Maybe we need to start being accountable

2018-11-13 04:06:33 UTC  

Rise up

2018-11-13 04:08:18 UTC  

But saying someone not believing something is a mental protection is rather naive, when given as a blanket statement, as it was. Especially when my disbelief is not from a closed mind, but a full hearted belief in something else that in turn makes me not believe something opposed to my belief... that’s not mental protection

2018-11-13 04:08:28 UTC  
2018-11-13 04:09:26 UTC  

ESPECIALLY when I believe in a person, Christ, not a man made belief system or religion

2018-11-13 04:10:56 UTC  

Q/Trump have addressed the election fraud, so just as everything else, let’s see if it goes unchecked

2018-11-13 04:11:11 UTC  
2018-11-13 04:12:17 UTC  

We will see what happens

2018-11-13 04:12:57 UTC  

I'm sure we will

2018-11-13 04:13:08 UTC  

Goodnight y'all, it's been real💯 got to get up soon

2018-11-13 04:13:14 UTC  

Yep. I’m more worried about the things I’ve heard of how the current AG might consider recusal... that would be a huge discredit to Q, right?

2018-11-13 04:13:22 UTC  

Breaking: Jerome Corsi To Be Indicted By Mueller…

Just hit the wires a few minutes ago…

Roger Stone pal Jerome Corsi says Mueller is planning to indict him via @nbcnews

— Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) November 12, 2018

Roger Stone pal Jerome Corsi says Mueller is planning to indict him

“I’m 72 years and I’m afraid they’re going to lock me up and put me in solitary confinement.”

Jerome Corsi, an associate of Roger Stone, says he expects to be indicted for perjury as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian election meddling.

Corsi, who has been questioned over his knowledge of WikiLeaks obtaining hacked emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, said Mueller’s team delivered the news at a meeting about a week ago.

“They told me they were going to indict me,” he told NBC News in a phone interview Monday.

“This was one of the most confusing and frightening things I’ve experienced. I’m 72 years and I’m afraid they’re going to lock me up and put me in solitary confinement.”

NBC News reported late last month that Mueller’s office had obtained communications suggesting that Corsi was aware in advance that emails from former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta had been stolen and handed to WikiLeaks.

“I don’t recall ever meeting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange or getting information from anyone about what he had including the Podesta emails,” Corsi said Monday. “But they have all your emails and phone records…They’re very good at the perjury trap.”

Mueller’s spokesman, Peter Carr, declined to comment.

Full story at NBC…

2018-11-13 04:13:24 UTC  

Sleep well! @shieldOFaith

2018-11-13 04:13:27 UTC  

BREAKING: Roger Stone pal Jerome Corsi tells my colleague @Annaschecter that Mueller's investigators informed Corsi about a week ago he will be indicted for perjury. "When they have your emails and phone records…they're very good at the perjury trap," he says.

— Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) November 12, 2018

Jerome Corsi—an activist best known for advancing conspiracy theories about Barack Obama’s birth —said he expected to be indicted in the Russia probe. via @WSJ

— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) November 12, 2018

‘My only crime was that I support Trump’…

Jerome Corsi says he's being indicted in Mueller probe: 'My only crime was that I support Trump’

— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) November 12, 2018

2018-11-13 04:14:18 UTC  

New Q @Desimated I think

2018-11-13 04:14:54 UTC  

Thanks @LukeAG ttys

2018-11-13 04:17:06 UTC  

@LukeAG just agree to disagree, I look forward to seeing the seraphim and the Chariot they ride in as proposed by Ezekiel.

2018-11-13 04:18:40 UTC  

Something big is about to drop

2018-11-13 04:19:16 UTC  

Yep, definitely could easily call them demons/angels. But created beings who’ve been living on another planet... that’s where I can’t hang with it. And either they are here to deceive (demons) or they are here to usher in Christ’s return @Desimated

2018-11-13 04:19:25 UTC  

I freaking hope so! @Riggy17 (UK)

2018-11-13 04:19:45 UTC

2018-11-13 04:20:20 UTC  


2018-11-13 04:20:47 UTC  

Swap from both party’s attacking hard then lol

2018-11-13 04:21:05 UTC  

Best I can tell from months of observation, is that Jerome Corsi credibility is at the very most extremely questionable.

2018-11-13 04:21:07 UTC  

Angels and Demons.. as us, are all creation of the source.. we're all limited in comparison

2018-11-13 04:21:34 UTC  

Swamp *

2018-11-13 04:21:53 UTC  


2018-11-13 04:21:56 UTC  

Stink (:

2018-11-13 04:22:52 UTC  

If Mueller indicts Corsi, I could see that as a small proof that Mueller is actually investigating for Trump, and is a white hat. Huge stretch but Corsi was proved to be a shill right?

2018-11-13 04:23:55 UTC  

Corsi is entirely questionable.

2018-11-13 04:25:12 UTC  

Did y’all see the anons comments about the republican congressman who retired early instead of waiting for 2020 was their way of helping the blue wave and congress to be taken?

2018-11-13 04:25:23 UTC  
2018-11-13 04:26:13 UTC  

Corsi is a rediculous shill

2018-11-13 04:26:38 UTC  

Did not. no idea on that, LukeAG

2018-11-13 04:27:01 UTC  

Same mate @LukeAG ?

2018-11-13 04:27:26 UTC  

Wasn’t Corsi named by Q? Or apart of the group Q called out for trying to make money on the movement?

2018-11-13 04:27:37 UTC  

Let me see if I can find the post

2018-11-13 04:28:06 UTC  

Was called out by Q, though indirectly

2018-11-13 04:30:39 UTC  


2018-11-13 04:30:56 UTC  

Having trouble finding the post about the rep congress... give me a bit