Message from @𝗛𝔬𝔥𝔢𝔫𝔍𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔯

Discord ID: 497039463445430273

2018-10-03 09:44:44 UTC  

I'm getting real sick of the censorship happening every single day. We're slowly being boiled

2018-10-03 09:44:47 UTC

Under the us war powers act, the US Government can take over any business. jews btfo.

2018-10-03 12:52:26 UTC  

thats an awesome whitepill

Yeah it really is. There isn't any stipulation of the amount of time they can keep ahold of it, either.

all they would need to do is hold onto it, till the shareholders picked a CEO the US government likes.

Hillary + Google/Working for China, Pay-for-Play. = Article 3.

News Media is already capable of being seized because the patriot act.

at that point the military can implement a change in type of government to corporatism.

which means corporations/businesses can only operate in the interests of the nation.

meaning they cant outsource over seas.

or leave.

we can then implement business licenses, which would allow us to enforce labor towards infrastructure.

which we will need, because we will probably be under embargo.

2018-10-03 13:13:59 UTC  

War with China would be very profitable then

Wouldn't be a legit war, just a trade war. Pretty much anything we do against the jews helps our economy.

If the US told the FED to fuck itself the US dollar would actually go up in value.

its the indecisiveness that is causing our value to decrease.

There really is two possible outcomes. The US admits corruption of the federal reserve, and no debt owed; Or a social democrat gets into office and they freeze all bank accounts, enforcing that employees over a certain wealth income are docked each payday. Which would hurt the American economy, and help the chinese economy greatly. Now ordinarily thats continuity of society level stuff where there would already be martial law.

like the gold crisis of 1933.

exposing the corruption will fix all our problems.

we need more project veratases.

expose the jew by '22.

we are a people without representation yet. hopefully patrick little will fix that.

So lets say we all started showing support for patrick little... This would force the right to obey our wishes to steal back our votes, which includes the threat of civic upheaval. Worst case scenario the democrats take the white house, but are impeached due to all the evidence of corruption. If Hillary had won this past election, they would have gone after her emails, and underhanded fraud within the democrat party.

If patrick little gets into office he should actually continue to make clear the realities of our present situation.. expose more corruption with the DOJ, and when there is clear evidence, hand the nation over to the military. Likely we need a military option to deal with the next 6 years.

If the facts are all exposed, the military will be forced to deal with it.

also understand that the president of the US can change the confidentiality of any document.

release everything from the FBI, CIA, NSA, relating to corruption.

maybe also release anything on aliens for the lawls.

Patrick Little we pray for you.

2018-10-03 17:57:49 UTC  

I'm seeing lots of whitepills tofsy

2018-10-03 17:57:52 UTC  


2018-10-03 17:57:58 UTC  


today is a test of the national wireless emergency alert system.

first ever test. its probably a freaking test of shutting down communications.

just started.

my tv is now doing it