Message from @RoflTank

Discord ID: 528823081448374312

2018-12-30 06:30:44 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:30:48 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:30:56 UTC  

and he calls me a retard

2018-12-30 06:30:56 UTC  

Type your thesis on that

2018-12-30 06:30:59 UTC  

By the constitution it should handle 3 things.

2018-12-30 06:31:03 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:31:05 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:31:12 UTC  

And inter-state legal disputes.

2018-12-30 06:31:12 UTC  

@Innaswamp took 2 years of CJ and attempted to be a 31B before it was a joke even to me

2018-12-30 06:31:16 UTC  

>federal reserve is controlled by the gubberment

2018-12-30 06:31:17 UTC  

w e w

2018-12-30 06:31:28 UTC  

Christ you're annoying

2018-12-30 06:31:34 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:31:59 UTC  

Basically, the federal government was to be the tard wrangler for the individual states

2018-12-30 06:32:20 UTC  

It was supposed to be a Confederacy

2018-12-30 06:32:26 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:32:28 UTC  

>not a republic

2018-12-30 06:32:30 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:32:36 UTC  

Independant states bound by a mutual agreement of cooperation

2018-12-30 06:33:33 UTC  

To that end, government effectively ended at the state level, because federal government was mainly just state governments trying to work together.

2018-12-30 06:34:07 UTC  

Unfortunately, that system became an inevitable concentration of power

2018-12-30 06:34:51 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:34:52 UTC  

Given that the police are NOT there for the protection of citizenry, but to enforce state authority... they're not wrong.

2018-12-30 06:34:52 UTC  

@Nic386 it's been that way since the 90s

2018-12-30 06:34:57 UTC  

They were upheld ages ago that their duty isn't to protect people

2018-12-30 06:35:01 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:35:03 UTC  

Allow me to explain why that ruling is a thing

2018-12-30 06:35:03 UTC  


2018-12-30 06:35:19 UTC  

Its purely for department liability

2018-12-30 06:35:21 UTC  

@RoflTank wrong, they are there to protect the citizenry

2018-12-30 06:35:30 UTC  

It was unironically decided by the SCOTUS that police have no duty to citizens

2018-12-30 06:35:31 UTC  

clearly not

2018-12-30 06:35:33 UTC  

for the simple reason that they're the ones who fuel Mr. taxman

2018-12-30 06:35:44 UTC  

If you admit their duty is to protect your citizens and they die it opens you up to lawsuits

2018-12-30 06:35:48 UTC  

if they are they dont act like it. They havent been there for that for years

2018-12-30 06:36:02 UTC  

Urzu is just literally retarded

2018-12-30 06:36:11 UTC  

He's got this weird naivete

2018-12-30 06:36:20 UTC  

rofltank is more retarded for being an ancap and thinking the gubberment controls the fed reserve :^)

2018-12-30 06:36:34 UTC  

That's incorrect, but okay.

2018-12-30 06:37:37 UTC  

I mean you keep interjecting with your dumb shit while I try to explain anything, so I don't feel like you deserve anything more than apathy at this rate.