Message from @Doomfan98
Discord ID: 499035811145187328
of all gatekeepers to have, they had to pick the worst one yet.
Pairing a surface hime with installations is not particularly challenging
It just fucks with damage rolls
>PC version in the ce promo pic
Anyone here play Doom?
not regularly
there's a good reason
Blessed image
You should buy more physical copies
I've only ever played the reboot, but I can at least say that I ***thoroughly*** enjoyed it.
It's a very good game
better than what DOOM 4 was gonna be
I prefer Doom 1 and 2 however
(a CoD clone)
would be neat to see the concept demo released publicly for comparision
Well, I've never had the chance myself to play an older installment of the series, sadly.
They're on Steam
or pirate the wad
and run a source port for your OS of choice
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>using scorched earth and not the heat shield so you can walk in your own thermite
You dont need to walk in your own thermite if you actually play Scorch correctly fite me
Obviously you’ve never played an aggressive scorch
I have
Its just better to bait
Sorch was my main before I took a break from the game
That’s a fag way to play
Its the best way to play
Scorch is mine too