Message from @Punished Ggnome
Discord ID: 526514766139883531
And a metric fuck ass ton of 20s
Why for the love of god would you ever need a quad 88
Is it just a big fucking version of the quad bofors mount at that point?
Because fuck you thats why
Everything on quad mounts
Because fuck you
quad automatic autoloading 88s
*it begins*
Why are you such a retard?
Also don’t post yourself raiding other discords
@Maj. Asshole what did you expect from a crayon eater
I dindu nuffin
You need to *see* that discord
It's about 1k users just doing what I just did
Even rate limited, it moves faster than sonic jets
i don't give a shit
smh, no support from epic gamers here
That is beautiful
PUBG ghey
chinks like pubg cause it's easy to cheat
^ this
thats why I left
nothing like getting headshotted and watching the killcam and the guy was nowhere near you nor pointing in the right direction
and lagging servers
korean coding lmao
fugg, even I'm not that fat
wow the minecraft graphics update looks cool