Message from @FrostBite'sAce

Discord ID: 541843588972281887

2019-02-04 04:46:57 UTC  

Because he was talking hella shit *just* because of the fact that Count's record went up and they likely tallied Fullband in it.

2019-02-04 04:47:55 UTC  

What exactly did he say again? I remember it was some jackass remark or another about tagging Fullband but I can't remember exactly what he said.

2019-02-04 04:48:34 UTC  

He was giving Count indirect shit about killing Fullband by remarking about how Count's killcount kept going up after every sortie.

2019-02-04 04:49:04 UTC  

Which is a heavy handed insult based on the fact that Count was there due to committing some time of fraud.

2019-02-04 04:49:13 UTC  

Which I think Bandog drops at somepoint.

2019-02-04 04:49:19 UTC  

Can we all agree that the "sin lines" bit was actually pretty cool

2019-02-04 04:49:19 UTC  

I think mission 5 or 6.

2019-02-04 04:49:23 UTC  

Avril does iirc

2019-02-04 04:49:27 UTC  


2019-02-04 04:49:33 UTC  

Fraud, anarchist, assassin

2019-02-04 04:49:41 UTC  

I forgot what fullband did

2019-02-04 04:50:08 UTC  

Fucking loved that concept.
And this bit as well, with the lines on her face looking almost exactly like Trigger's.

2019-02-04 04:50:49 UTC  

I think it's safe to say that Fullband was charged with some sort of espionage or at the very least knowing too much about Osea's shit despite likely being in their military prior.

2019-02-04 04:50:58 UTC  

Actually, let me check his page.

2019-02-04 04:51:07 UTC  

Wasn't he the one that was really keen on information gathering?

2019-02-04 04:51:13 UTC  


2019-02-04 04:51:18 UTC  

But to a heavy fault.

2019-02-04 04:51:43 UTC  

That's why he was murdered

2019-02-04 04:51:58 UTC  

Yea, he found some sort of info and was talking about it on the squad frequency then bandog decided to kill him.

2019-02-04 04:52:26 UTC  


2019-02-04 04:52:58 UTC  

And it isn't mentioned in his page on the AC Fandom wiki, but I think the general consensus is espionage of some sort.

2019-02-04 04:53:11 UTC  

Makes sense.

2019-02-04 04:55:43 UTC  

Something I'd like to mention as well is the fact that you can kinda see Trigger's reflection in the mission 10 briefing after he get's called back which was honestly a pretty nice fucking detail.

2019-02-04 04:56:24 UTC  

Really? I never noticed that.

2019-02-04 04:56:31 UTC  


2019-02-04 04:56:41 UTC  

It's the little things

2019-02-04 04:56:58 UTC  

Also if you look around your cockpit you can see scratches and streaks

2019-02-04 04:57:19 UTC  

It's hard to see, but you can see the rest of the convicts getting up to leave and you can barely see him get up to leave, but when he's called back, he turns around and goes back.

2019-02-04 04:57:52 UTC  

One sec. I gotta rewatch this now.

2019-02-04 04:58:10 UTC  

Easier to see with your brightness up some.

2019-02-04 04:59:06 UTC  

Yea. I definitely see it there.

2019-02-04 04:59:14 UTC  

I love that kind of detail in vidjya.

2019-02-04 05:01:23 UTC  

>tfw you'll never fly a F-22A with weapon pods and enough missiles to wipe out half a wing of fighters

2019-02-04 05:01:52 UTC  

But yea, that detail is grand.

2019-02-04 05:02:06 UTC  

>mfw I will never be moebius 1...

2019-02-04 05:02:07 UTC  

So I have an idea

2019-02-04 05:02:18 UTC  

We have a tomcat ingame

2019-02-04 05:02:22 UTC  

We have a mig21

2019-02-04 05:02:34 UTC  

Does anyone see where I'm going with this

2019-02-04 05:02:46 UTC  


2019-02-04 05:02:54 UTC  

Go on... 🤔