Message from @urzu117

Discord ID: 554176356024320001

2019-03-10 00:32:03 UTC  

I am bothered by the fact one of the most personally moving moments in video game history for me became a meme ie: "why are we still here, just to suffer?"

2019-03-10 00:32:31 UTC  

I enjoy the meme don't get me wrong but, damn if it takes away from the substance a bit.

2019-03-10 00:32:37 UTC  

nah not really

2019-03-10 00:32:51 UTC  

most people see that and look for back story and then they understand

2019-03-10 00:33:12 UTC  

I won't disagree with you there.

2019-03-10 00:33:23 UTC  

I think the only other series to move me as much was Bungie's Halo.

2019-03-10 00:39:00 UTC  
2019-03-10 00:39:09 UTC  

Unrelated. But yes.

2019-03-10 00:50:31 UTC  


2019-03-10 00:51:24 UTC  

Not only am I eventually going to buy a Switch, but I’ll be playing *pokemon* on it.

2019-03-10 00:51:59 UTC  

Hopefully I’m not seeing anyone then or I’ll have to let her cuck me. No choice at that point.

2019-03-10 01:14:12 UTC  


2019-03-10 05:30:01 UTC relevant since this update destroys Vidya performance on both amd and Nvidia cards

2019-03-10 05:30:17 UTC  

Also adds mouse lag

2019-03-10 05:32:04 UTC  

AMD *and* Nvidia

2019-03-10 05:32:13 UTC  


2019-03-10 05:35:57 UTC  


2019-03-10 05:36:17 UTC  

Managing to sandbag both major brands AND mice.

2019-03-10 05:36:21 UTC  

thank god for ShutUpWindows10

2019-03-10 05:38:59 UTC  

MS is really screwing the pooch on making the consumer AND CORPORATE customers beta test updates

2019-03-10 05:39:03 UTC  

fucking retards

2019-03-10 05:51:03 UTC  

haven't bothered updating to the latest RedStone build because of this bullshit.

2019-03-10 08:40:38 UTC  

i'm glad i'm using 7

2019-03-10 08:40:44 UTC  

it's miles ahead of 10

2019-03-10 08:40:52 UTC  

but support is ending in 2020

2019-03-10 08:41:00 UTC  

so no more security updates

2019-03-10 08:46:52 UTC  

10's okay if you do some stuff first to prevent the BS.

i used OOSU10 to make sure only important updates get through, not the trash they they tend to shit out lately.

2019-03-10 08:49:29 UTC  

it still has a lot of bloatware which isn't removable without some really deep fiddling

2019-03-10 08:49:43 UTC  

not to mention all of that is spyware too

2019-03-10 08:49:56 UTC  

OOSU10 disables some of those too actually.

2019-03-10 08:50:09 UTC  

not saying that 7 is perfect but it at least isn't blatantly obovious

2019-03-10 08:50:17 UTC  


2019-03-10 08:50:24 UTC  

then it isn't that bad

2019-03-10 08:50:34 UTC

2019-03-10 08:51:13 UTC  

wow that's pretty simple and nice

2019-03-10 08:51:33 UTC  

i just apply it again whenever there's an update

2019-03-10 08:51:43 UTC  

just a few clicks and a restart too.

2019-03-10 08:56:54 UTC  


2019-03-10 08:56:58 UTC  

group policy helps too

2019-03-10 08:57:19 UTC  

cortana is the most useless piece of shit ever shoved into an OS