Message from @Gunslinger

Discord ID: 499581931567054858

2018-10-10 13:51:43 UTC  


2018-10-10 13:51:57 UTC  

so only within each detachment, ok I get it now

2018-10-10 13:52:25 UTC  

although I still feel like this gimps an already crippled Ynnari

2018-10-10 13:53:04 UTC  

then again they were pretty OP from power creep last edition so I guess I cant complain too much

2018-10-10 13:53:12 UTC  

eh honestly it just makes it harder to spam the core Detatchments for a tidal wave of CP

2018-10-10 13:53:16 UTC  

still waiting on the codex...

2018-10-10 13:54:16 UTC  

and none of the Eldar armies have anything that could be truly considered a "tax" unit

2018-10-10 13:54:42 UTC  

I mean the point of Ynnari in my eyes was that units from different eldar factions can patch holes in each others armies while loosing faction rules for Strength from death

2018-10-10 13:55:00 UTC  

thats true as well though, its hard to find an Eldar unit that can be considered "Bad"

2018-10-10 13:55:53 UTC  

so the only real disadvantage is you'll have less CP to play with because you'll likely take a Drukhari contingent in a Fast Attack detatchment for example

2018-10-10 13:56:28 UTC  

thats true, and I've never really taken advantage of CP that much anyway

2018-10-10 13:57:16 UTC  

I'm actually considering taking R&H in a Fast Attack detatchment with Salamanders and Armoured Sentinels for some cheap fire support for my Iron Warriors

2018-10-10 13:58:00 UTC  

how are you getting away with Imperial and chaos in the same list?

2018-10-10 13:58:21 UTC  

Renegades and Heretics

2018-10-10 13:59:05 UTC  

how tho

2018-10-10 13:59:26 UTC  

its not technically imperial and chaos

2018-10-10 13:59:32 UTC  

renagades and heretics can take

2018-10-10 13:59:34 UTC  

guard units

2018-10-10 13:59:43 UTC  

that then get the renagades and heretics tags

2018-10-10 14:00:10 UTC  

right but when they get R&H tags they loose imperial ones right?

2018-10-10 14:00:14 UTC  

yeah it's got a list of Guard datasheets and where to find them and just says "swap the keywords for [Renegades and Heretics] and [Chaos]"

2018-10-10 14:00:15 UTC  


2018-10-10 14:00:44 UTC  

so how do you take space marines with it

2018-10-10 14:00:53 UTC  


2018-10-10 14:00:54 UTC  


2018-10-10 14:01:11 UTC  

it's a FW scout tank, not the Marines

2018-10-10 14:01:18 UTC  


2018-10-10 14:01:32 UTC  

fair enough

2018-10-10 14:01:38 UTC  

basically a Chimera with A/C and Heavy Bolter, minus any troop capacity

2018-10-10 14:01:54 UTC  

and open topped for what thats worth in 8th

2018-10-10 14:02:01 UTC  

wait what tank are you on about

2018-10-10 14:02:05 UTC  

I think I missed something

2018-10-10 14:02:32 UTC

2018-10-10 14:02:57 UTC  


2018-10-10 14:02:59 UTC  

the Salamander

2018-10-10 14:03:01 UTC  

I like it

2018-10-10 14:03:13 UTC  

scout and command variants

2018-10-10 14:03:49 UTC  

and the nice thing is because FW are lazy and want to print as few pages as possible "go look at the other datasheet" means they get BS4+

2018-10-10 14:04:04 UTC  


2018-10-10 14:04:13 UTC  

I love the laziness of FW

2018-10-10 14:04:17 UTC  

like hte fact