Message from @Gunslinger

Discord ID: 541475038394581013

2019-02-03 02:18:49 UTC  


2019-02-03 02:19:06 UTC  

They're actually scary as fuck for hunting Dreadnoughts

2019-02-03 02:19:06 UTC  

Max squad size is 20 IIRC
So I'm gonna have a squad of 10 and a squad of 20

2019-02-03 02:19:37 UTC  

Yeah I plan on using them to bully characters/HVTs or being an anti-bully bully force

2019-02-03 02:20:27 UTC  

Problem is their spears are only D3 damage against vehicles but you could still bury characters in attacks

2019-02-03 02:21:34 UTC  

Dreads/kans/etc they get D3 damage each and laugh off the klaws/fists because they've got a 4+ Invul and only 1 Wound each

2019-02-03 02:22:06 UTC  

Max size is 20 yeah

2019-02-03 02:22:28 UTC  

9ppm is CRAZY

2019-02-03 02:22:53 UTC  

No Forge World perks but who tf cares

2019-02-03 02:23:55 UTC  

I *should* be able to follow them around with this Tech Priest Manipulus and buff the shit out of them

2019-02-03 02:23:58 UTC  

That might work

2019-02-03 02:25:12 UTC  

Sadly no

2019-02-03 02:25:42 UTC  

His buffs target [FORGE WORLD] keyword units

2019-02-03 04:02:53 UTC  

That's kinda ass-backwards then though coz IIRC all of our units have the <Forge World> tag except for Hoplites and Peltasts then

2019-02-03 04:04:53 UTC  

I don't have a CA2018 codex to check but in my 2017 AdMech codex it says all of our units have the <Forge World> tag it seems

2019-02-03 04:05:02 UTC  

Well minus Belisarius Cawl

2019-02-03 04:08:12 UTC  

@Gunslinger that makes me curious, why do our actual FW units not have the <Forge World> keyword tag?

2019-02-03 04:10:05 UTC  

Makes me of the intrigued. Secutarii are the "Titan Guard" and operate more with Questoris Knights and Titan Legions, but Legios and Houses pledge themselves to FWs and/or greater organizations

2019-02-03 04:10:36 UTC  

So it confuses me that they aren't allowed to follow the tag of the Forge World like other AdMech units

2019-02-03 04:27:54 UTC  

I think because they're titan guard

2019-02-03 04:28:29 UTC  

They're allied with a Forge World but don't directly benefit from their design quirks?

2019-02-03 04:29:26 UTC  

It's nice that they were smart enough to give them a rule that says "they don't benefit from forge world dogmas but they don't break battle forged either"

2019-02-05 20:50:19 UTC  

Lowkey kinda mad at GW right now

2019-02-05 20:50:47 UTC  

So they made a case back in '16 called the 'Ard Case. Was 135 dollars. Had that new fangled foam shit with the waves in it, and pressure seals for protecting your shit while flying.

2019-02-05 20:51:00 UTC  

Apparently they were a commercial failure and not supported at all, so if you got fucked up foam you can't replace it.

2019-02-05 20:51:22 UTC  

GW realized they can't compete with guys like battlefoam at that price level so they went back to cheap ass mid/starter level cases for under 100 bucks.

2019-02-05 20:51:40 UTC  

I bought three of these pieces of shit, now I can't even get rid of em for 30 bucks a pop lmao

2019-02-05 20:52:32 UTC

2019-02-05 20:52:38 UTC

2019-02-05 20:53:59 UTC  

One of my three cases btw, had it's foam fail after one use.

2019-02-05 20:54:06 UTC  

Just ridiculous.

2019-02-06 00:51:34 UTC

2019-02-06 14:39:12 UTC  

Got a hobby store pissed at me for buying recasts

2019-02-06 14:40:26 UTC  

>price gouge
>people get sick of it

2019-02-06 14:40:40 UTC  


2019-02-06 14:42:00 UTC  

My dumbass brought a plague burst crawler recast to a game and the manager asked me where I got it.

2019-02-06 14:42:26 UTC  

Told him it was from cheapnfast and he said your cutting into my sales

2019-02-06 14:42:54 UTC  

I deadass told him I never planned on buying your stuff anyways

2019-02-06 14:44:42 UTC  


2019-02-06 14:46:30 UTC  

So you're saying don't buy the 'ard Case which in my hobby place?

2019-02-06 14:47:22 UTC  

Also if any hobby store outside of a GW store gets assmad over recasts just call them a brainlet